We strive for a peaceful life. I have been beginning my day with scripture by listening to the bible audible on the treadmill before coffee. Spring is a time for renewing the spirit and soul. I read the physical word at night. We have 7 weeks of school to finish up. The garden beds are prepared. The greenhouse is loaded with seedlings.

We have been talking about the streaming services we have been using. We will be eliminating Netflix. I had to laugh when most of the suggestions we have are dark and bleak. My husband and I watch a lot of history. Netflix hasn't had offerings that we are enjoying. We will be discontinuing Netflix when my gift card runs out. We decided to keep Paramount Plus and Hulu as we enjoy news and shows on those services. I have found I am calmer when we watch minimal violence and cursing. I tried to watch FBI Most Wanted and 1883. I haven't been able to get through more than 5 minutes. This Is Us will be finishing up on May 24 or so. I have noticed the writing hasn't been as good as in the last four seasons. Seasons five and six have been predictable. I want to finish the series as I started it with my oldest daughter and it has been our thing to discuss every Wednesday morning.

Our new evening routine is to listen to music on "gasp", the record player on the front porch after dinner. We are moving our news coverage to mornings only. We are back to reading together outloud at night. We think it is important to change things up to maintain and recreate a peaceful haven in the home. Sometimes, the issues of the world creep in a little bit too much. Sometimes, it is televison that in not inline with our values, too much news, and too much fear-based Youtube. My husband and I keep ourselves and each other in check.