On Friday night I joined in with all the rest of the lovely ladies for Friday Night With Friends, hosted by Cheryll...

In preparation, I got my tumbler quilt loaded and ready to quilt on Thursday night...

Quilting the Tumbler Quilt Top

So when Friday night came around, I was ready to get started...

I decided to use one of Linda Taylor's pantographs...

Quilting the Tumbler Quilt Top

It's called "Feather Meandering" and is gorgeous quilted out... but it is not a quick and easy one, and it uses lots of bobbins...

Quilting the Tumbler Quilt Top

It took me a little longer to quilt than expected, also because I was trying to use up bobbin ends 🙂 Still, I got over half done on Friday night and finished the rest on Saturday, so I am happy. Now I need to trim and bind!

Soon I'll be sleeping under a brand new quilt!

Go and see what the others got up to on Friday! Thanks Cheryll for hosting us yet again!