When it comes to dishes for Easter we don't usually get to carried away because we go to sunrise service at church with a light breakfast, then lunch at my in-laws. My mother in law used to host a full breakfast at church. I'm talking eggs, pancakes, toast, sausage and bacon. Once Covid happened things got cut back some and the attendance in our small country church really went down. Now she just does muffins, mini cereals and fruit. This year Madison had the idea of making Easter fruit kabobs so we did a practice run this week and thought we'd share. You still have time to grab what you need on your last minute grocery run before Easter dinner!

How cute are these Easter fruit kabobs?

Easter fruit kabobs, recipe ideas

These are sure to add some brightness and festiveness to your dining room table this spring!

How to Make Fruit Kabobs

Grab your favorite fruits your entire family loves. If you haven't tried cotton candy grapes yet, be sure to check your local grocery store!

Start with wooden skewers to use for assembling the Easter fruit kabobs.

Add assorted fruit and let the kids have fun creating their own pattern. No need to make them perfect!

Leave a space at the top and place a Peep bunny to give the ultimate Easter touch. Plus, after eating the fruit, you deserve a little sugary treat!

I always like grabbing fruit from Sam's Club because you get a decent amount for a little better price.


How about that presentation? I'm just kidding, but it all worked out pretty well! Let me know if you give the Easter fruit kabobs a try and what fruits your kids pick to go on them!