If this is your day for rest, like s all you still need encouragement. Be encouraged today, by this wonderful scripture from Luke 21 Verse 3:

Luke 21 verse 3: "' I tell you the truth,' He said, 'This poor widow had put in more them all of them'."

In Luke 21 verse 1 to 4: it is talking about 'The Widow's Gift'.

Jesus has just been warning His disciples about the abuses of the teachers of the Law and their misplaced priorities. Luke 20 v 46 &47:

V 46: "Beware of the scribes, who want to go around in long robes and who love greetings in the market places, the front seats in the synagogues, and the places of honor at banquets. V47; They devour widows' houses and say long prayers just for show".

The people who were suppose to be doing the right thing, where actually displaying a level of deceit in their dealings with the helpless people. Then as Jesus was speaking, He looks up and points out a widow making an offering. The widows two small coins, each worth about one-eight of a cent, surely seemed pathetic in contrast to the showy gifts of the wealthy.

Yet Jesus is pleased with the offering, realizing she is trusting God with all she has to live on. The things that please Our Lord and Our Friend is we give of our best and not out of the abundance we have.

There is an implied contrast between the widow's offering, and the disciples admiration for the temple in verse 5. The disciples are impressed with the temple itself with it's beauty and splendor. People truly looks on the outward appearances and God looks on the heart, now and always.

Remember Jesus was born in a stable, but was buried in a rich man tomb, and from there He rose again to give us new life. it doesn't matter where we are now ,it matters on how far we let Him takes us. He will always take us to a better place in the New Life, He gives those that follow. No matter what circumstances we may currently find ourselves in always give of your best.

Be Blessed Today And Everyday,

From your Friends At My Lord My Friend Ministries