The evaluations of why and H-O-W, the DDP lost, the younger generations', votes this time go 'round, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…
The losses of the younger generations' votes by the DDP, had long been going on, two months before voting. Back then, the internal polls by the DDP showed, that the younger generations of voters declined by twenty-percent compared to 2020, the president, Tsai in her final attempt to plea for the votes using the claims of "younger generations of hotties in Taiwan", and "Defy China to protect Taiwan", which failed, miserably, and the votes didn't go to the KMT necessarily either, if the third-party can absorb all these votes lost from the DDP, only the election of 2024 will, tell.
Three years ago, the DDP pushed forth signing of same-sex marriage into the law, allowing Tsai to gain her all-time high support from the younger generations, making many of the younger generations of adults "fanatics" of "Hot Taiwanese Party", on the internet, these automatically defended Tsai and her party's doings; but for three years on end, employment, living conditions, birth rates, the military terms, as these realities hit, the Tsai government's promises had come up, emptyhanded, seeing how the side wings of the DDP started taking over, a ton of the undecided and younger generations no longer perceived the DDP as their one and only, would rather maintain their silences on the internet now.
In September of this year, the DDP central's voting tactics forum zoomed in on how to keep the votes of the younger generations with the DDP? Based off of the polls back then, the support of the age group of twenty to fifty-four showed favoritism for the People's Party; with only the sixty and up still in support of the DDP, and there's the tracks of how the DDP lost its younger people's votes.
As the younger generation felt disgusted of the dyadic DDP or KMT, the DDP continued getting stuck in its own ideology, it's a wonder the younger generations started, voting for other party candidates.
And so, this is how the DDP that originally had the votes of the younger generations, came to, lose it, because we the younger generations felt the stresses of the economics, the housing costs still getting higher, higher, and higher still, and, our raises only comes at, two-three-percent, with the hikes of our living needs hiking up in the ten, twenty, thirty, forty percent ranges, and so, naturally, the younger generations stopped believing in the DDP's lies of how they're making Taiwan better for employment, cheaper housing, etc., etc., etc.
The people finally started to wake up now!
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