Wednesday, February 1, 2023

We are Ludo - Wednesday 1st February 2023

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Hello to our Ludo Community!

Wow! It has been a REALLY big week. Let me start by saying my diary has been mad. It sets the scene for the overload I felt at the weekend. I was exhausted last week and by Thursday I was digging deep.

My youngest turned 7 on Friday and on Thursday night I had to go an awards dinner in Wembley. This is the opposite side of London for me, and the idea of schlepping across for a dinner felt like it was one step too far. This came off the back off collecting my son from school who announced he wanted to take donuts into school for his birthday the next day.

The babysitter arrived, I headed off to Wembley, and in my head I kept saying 'remember the bloody donuts'. When I arrived at the SME Awards, I was instantly full of energy. I met some brilliant people, and it was awesome to chat to other small business owners. There were a number of different categories, and Ludo was short listed for Best Enterprising Business.

When it came to our category, they listed off the 8 shortlisted businesses. When they announced the winner, I was literally in shock! WE WON!!!!!  It was the most incredible moment! I was totally beside myself! I am so proud of the Ludo team and all we do to change the working world for the better.

I am sure you are wondering, and yes... I remembered the donuts. A swift stop in a late night Sainsburys on the way home and I was ready with 30 donuts to take to school in the morning for my son, as he turned 7.

This week, we have a recipe from Amy on the team who has been making immune boosting shots!

Don't forget to fill in our survey on how female friendly your workplace is!

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Please remember to introduce us to your employer. We want to have a chat with your Head of HR or Diversity & Inclusion lead on how to retain female talent. 

Immune Boosting Shots!
Amy on the Ludo Team shares her brilliant recipe for immune boosting Lemon and Ginger shots! 

Get the recipe here>>>

SME Award Winners!

The team are beyond excited to be recognised for the work Ludo does to move to a more inclusive workplace.

Watch the moment Elizabeth found out here >>>

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We Are Ludo
83 Dulcie Street
M1 2JQ
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