Thursday, March 2, 2023

Your 40s Are Actually Amazing. Here’s Why

Mar. 2, 2023

Your 40s Are Actually Amazing — Here's Why

You hear people complain a lot about aging, and for lots of very good reasons. (When did my knees get so flakey???) Well, it's not all bad, says Katie Bingham-Smith. In fact, it's actually pretty great a lot of the time: "It took me a while to get here: a place of doing what I want because I know it's good for my soul and well-being. And the timing is not a coincidence, either: The feelings of FOMO and paying too much attention to what everyone else was doing faded into the background sometime around my 39th birthday, right as I segued into my 40s. And it's been a freeing journey ever since."

She's got plenty of great points, and as somebody still on the cusp of her 40s, I found it pretty encouraging. Do you agree? Tell me whether I should be scared or excited:

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor

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