Thursday, May 4, 2023

This Is What Your Weekends Could Look Like If Your Kids Quit Sports

May. 4, 2023

This Is What Your Weekends Could Look Like If Your Kids Quit Sports

"My teens and I make homemade pizza every Friday night," writes Katie Bingham-Smith today. "There's usually an extra friend that stops by and spends the night. I'll find myself whipping up a batch of frozen cookie dough or popcorn before I go to bed because they usually sneak downstairs to watch a scary movie. We all look forward to just relaxing and hanging out." And when she goes to bed, she knows she's not going to have to get up early the next morning or spend the weekend scrambling.

Why? Because her kids quit organized sports. And now she's painting a vivid picture of what your life could look like if you did, too. It's pretty tempting!

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor

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