Wednesday, May 10, 2023

We are Ludo - Wednesday 10th May 2023

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I hope you are all well and had a good weekend. For many of you, it may have been a weekend of Coronation celebrations or activities. I know for anyone with kids in school in the UK, most schools had some kind of activity. But it got me thinking, is it inclusive? For a company founded and driven on the mission to drive workplace wellbeing and inclusion, I am always mindful of different value sets, belief systems and views. 

On another note, a mother asked me at the school gates this morning whether I had organised any camps for half term for my child. HALF TERM!!!! How it is almost upon us? But it seems so. It isn't far away. A really big deal when my second born is in her final term of school and doing her A Levels. Many of you know I have three children who are 20, 18 and 7. It is a cruel awakening of the littleness of my youngest when my eldest two are out of school. I'll be cherishing the moments as my 'baby' grows up, whilst simultaneously cursing the lunacy of a boisterous 7 year old boy in the house. 

This month we're talking about how menopause impacts our sleeping pattern and we have added an exciting new workshop to our website for those of you wishing to build on your internal PR.

Did you know we offer coaching and workshops to companies.  Let us know how we can speak to you or your HR team to share how we can improve learning and education around Inclusion.

Don't forget to fill in our survey on how female friendly your workplace is!

Answer 15 questions and we'll send you a free personalised report
This quick survey has been designed to show businesses of all sizes their blind spots and provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve

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Simply click
HERE and fill in the form! 

Please remember to introduce us to your employer. We want to have a chat with your Head of HR or Diversity & Inclusion lead on how to retain female talent. 

The Coronation and Inclusion


The Coronation this weekend has been a time for celebration for many.  A long weekend for lots of people and a time to get together as a family or with friends.  Yet many employees worked over the weekend, did not benefit from 3 days off and in fact had no interest in celebrating the Coronation.  And that's just fine.

Read more here>>>

Sleep and Menopause

A good night's sleep is a key driver of health and our overall sense of wellbeing. Disrupted sleep not only impacts energy levels but can compound other common menopausal symptoms such as mood, mental sharpness and weight gain.

To promote sleep, we have a list of tips that ensure you are ready to sleep deeply at bedtime and wake feeling refreshed.

Read more here>>>

Internal PR Workshop

Self-promotion doesn't always come naturally, but it is an essential part of the growth in your role and career. This motivational session will help walk people through why and how you need to start elevating your personal brand now. Attendees will walk away knowing what a personal brand is, how to create your personal brand, and how to leverage your personal brand to make it work for you.

Find out more here >>>
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