Watching Jordan Peterson interview Robert Bryce about using a jackhammer to crack open a peanut that doesn't exist (Climate Emergency Episode 934) was so redolent of conversations I had throughout 2020 on the subject of masks being useless against the spread of Covid19, it brought back a sort of creepy nostalgia....nosforatutalgia perhaps.
At one supper gathering in Paris I spent a completely wasted twenty minutes explaining how cloth is defined by warp and weft, and why the mask cloth being used against viral spread was like trying to trap an anchovy in a soccer net. But the science had spoken, so all my years as the son of a cloth merchant were just, well, worthless. You see, 'old' is dated and inefficient, and 'new' is progressive. QED.
'The Global The Biosecurity Agenda Has Come to Africa already' writes Meryl Nass, 'the globalists didn't wait for the WHO Treaty and Amendments to pass: they have been installing the biosecurity network quietly, relentlessly, for years, using your tax dollars.' She also points out that the institution using those dollars is the Pentagon, not the CDC. Deja vu yet again, with the WHO's office in Gambia bitching about all the army boffins it has to deal with.
Nass is rapidly becoming the default go-to for cast-iron facts about the accelerating speed and broadening Front of World Takeover. She is here again with great erudition on the subject of medical tyranny coming to a WHO 'hub' near you....sooner than you thought.
Meanwhile, back in plucky Ukraine, just as the dark clouds preface rain, so too black hearts are just a few beats after the sound of war drums. Enter BlackRock stage left. The site astute news notes that, 'In May 2023 the Government of Ukraine and Vice-President Philipp Hildebrand of the US company BlackRock Financial Market Advisory signed an agreement, on the creation of the Ukrainian Development Fund (UDF), a financial institution for the reconstruction of the country'.
Former Goldman alumnus Larry Fink (the bloke who taught the Greeks how to lie to Brussels about debt) is now the CEO at BlackRock. He will do exactly what he did with the Greeks: rob and privatise all the State services, allowing bottom feeders like the hated Brussels gangster Verhofstadt to clean up. 'the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and BlackRock agreed last year on a fund to mobilize capital and carry out the reconstruction of the country' is nicey-nicey speak for '...the total sale of the Ukrainian state's main assets: from its black lands to its electricity grids, including international aid funds. The list of Ukrainian assets includes securities of the following companies: Metinvest, DTEK (energy), MJP (agriculture), Naftogaz, Ukrainian Railways, Ukravtodor and Ukrenergo'.
It will also manage the Ukrainian public debt which is now 78% of gdp. Given that Black-Rock manages a total of $17 trillion - about the same size as the entire GDP of the European Union - we can mark down The Ukraine as another failed State alongside Greece but allegedly about to join the EU. Strange times indeed, mamma. If Vlad the Lad is going to clobber Zelenskyyland before BlackRock moves in, he needs to get a move on. I'm sure he's on the case.
Ever more quickly, the EU is turning into a centrally controlled totalitarian neoliberal club under the thumb of NATO. Blocs and subcontinents are being New World Ordered one by one. The signage often seems disparate, but the desrtinatiobn is consistent: Africa next, then Australia.... or perhaps Canada next....
Three days ago, an expanded collaboration between McGill University in Canada and Moderna was announced. It describes two research projects. One of these is is "a study to characterize Lipid Nanoparticles so that their specific size and payload distribution may be better understood". 'Should there not have been an adequate understanding of the biodistribution of these LNPs PRIOR to a global rollout?' asks substacker Byram Bridle, who concludes, 'as many wise and concerned scientists have pointed out at great risk to their careers, the real dose of mRNAs being delivered in each shot is not known, particularly across different batches. This is an open admission that one person can potentially receive a very different dose than another, regardless of the 'average' dose stated on the vial. Never before has there been a global rollout of a drug where physicians are unable to accurately administer defined doses.'
People will assume that the study is to make the use of of mRNA safer. An equally apposite hypothesis is that it's a way of guaranteeing death more efficiently - or sooner rather than later.
Back now to the CBDC scene as Biden's minders push on with digitalised money. The medium for such money will almost certainly be the Smartphone, and the 'developed' money will have a lower valuation than one's current haul (to make the coming recession even more painful and desperate) as well as carrying highly personal information about where you are, where you've been, where you work, where you shop. So taking one news item from earlier this week, former DNR defense minister and (ex?) FSB officer Igor Strelkov has been taken into custody by security forces working for Russia's Investigative Committee. On Friday, July 21, law enforcement officers detained Igor Strelkov; Strelkov's lawyer Alexander Molokhov confirmed that his client had been arrested.
Do please pay heed: when CBDCs roll out, the Strelkovs of this world will have nowhere to run or hide. He allegedly gave them the slip several times; digital money will tell the Spooks where you are 24/7.
There are a lot of people out there who really do not care about such a thing as being unable to answer the State back....just so long as Murdoch keeps supplying football live into their living room.
This is my bottom line: They scare us with climate nonsense; control us with bad mask science; create medical tyranny using the WHO's despicable methods, and false bio-security needs through the Pentagon; produce dysfunctional States on a grander scale in Africa, Australia and Canada; use digital money to threaten any and all opposition to their ends; and keep the mass media quiet via the staggering shareholding power of BlackRock and Vanguard.
Many years ago, in the late 197os, I conducted a series of focus groups for the now defunct Central Office of Information (COI) . The primary research objective was to get some initial feel for the desire to switch to a system of proportional representation; it was largely paid for by Brussels, just beginning its campaign to run everything everywhere. As a political anorak, I was horrified by the almost universal lack of interest in the sample. Every Labour voter despised Thatcher, every Conservative thought Labour was 'full of looneys' and unsurprisingly, the then Liberals thought we should switch to PR and produce more consistent (and thus more effective) government. Everyone thought Liberty was very important, but struggled to define it. Everyone thought all MPs were liars, except for the newborn Thatcherites who couldn't wait for 'Maggie' to start dismantling every socio-constitutional safety net. (Coming to power thirty years later, David Cameron realised the COI would do its job - of protecting taxpayer funds from Party political bias - and promptly abolished it. It was the start of the politicisation of Whitehall: a well taken opportunity for Bailey, Sedwill, May and Sunak (NWOers all) to shove every Leaver out of the way including Johnson - the only one who had been approved by the electorate.
The result is that low interest levels about politics turned into something approaching hatred, and a COI-free political class conspired with Secret State civil servants to install a very rich but utterly powerless Fishy Sunak as Prime Minister - who looked on, not entirely baffled, as a neutered Britain began a painful belly-crawl all the way back to the technocratic corruption of the EU's Gauleiter-cum-Kommissar system. Guy Verhofstadt is, no doubt, sprinkling his culottes laughing.
When electorates stop paying attention, politicians fail to control power-hungry Humphrey, the Establishment Judiciary supports the State, police start currying favour with the criminal fashion of the day, and major elections get rigged....well, the giga-rich egomaniacs usually sniff the destination before Amanda and Tarquin do.
Now, we've been through the Mussolinisation of all Europe, and there wasn't so much as a March on Rome. Now, we've seen a global psy-op involving a worse perversion of medical science than even Himmler, Mengele and Hitler ever envisaged. Now, the bureaucrats do focus groups to see if the sheeple would cooperate with dysfunctional lockdowns and pointless masks.
The day before yesterday, The Slog ran a post deploring the lack of appetite for getting the sapienocidal leaders arrested and up before the Beak. It got 73 five star reviews and a shoal of emails deploring the disregard for the Rule of Law. But most were terrifyingly 'worldly':
'Don't waste your time. Nobody's going to jail and no-one at any level of authority is going to admit the truth about the SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 pandemic that never was and survive to tell the the tale'
'Compiling a complete list of culprits would take forever.'
'We have a display table with details of the crimes perpetrated against us. It is in a wealthy London commuter town but our success rate is less than 1in8, people are not even willing to listen. No one can believe it seems, that deliberate genocide was inflicted upon citizens of the UK and indeed the world.'
'No-one will get punished, John. Any prosecutors are members of the same club as the perpetrators'
Over these last twenty years of 'retirement', I've been on the record dozens of times to assert that 'worldly cynicism is the new naivety'. But I think, as I grew older, I tried to be in the shoes of grasp another shoepoint, as it were.
I see hope in the US. I see none in the EU or Canada. I see nobody coming through in Britain. I spot a few good blokes in Australia. I will continue to be 'there for' the brave. I will not lose hope so much as conserve it.
Enjoy your Sunday.
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