Wednesday, August 30, 2023

We are Ludo - Wednesday 30th August 2023

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I had a 'wtaf' moment!  The school holidays are coming to an end.  OH MY WORD!  My son is back at school in a week and starts at a new school.  So it is all go with the settling in phase for year 3.  As I write this we have come off a bank holiday weekend in the UK, which should be something fun, yet I feel like the holidays have all blurred into one.  A juggle of childcare, work, survival and organising things a 7 year old will enjoy.  I had a brilliant week with all 3 of my kiddos in North Norfolk which was wonderful.  It is something I have been doing for years.  We rent the same house, in the same place, and it is very home from home!  I realise that when you holiday in the UK, you end up packing more in the car than you would ever take on a holiday abroad.  I have been pondering over how I can travel with hand luggage only for a week in Mallorca yet a week in Norfolk requires a car packed to the rafters.
How has it been going for you and your fam over the hols? I hope you have managed the WoMo juggle and you are now in a frenzy of excitement for new school shoes, pencil cases and uniform.  I am definitely on count down to the return to school!   
We have a blog on the best interview questions to ask when you are applying for a new job, and ethical self development.  There appears to be a few charlatans out where when it comes to self development.  Be sure you are choosing what is right for you.   

We have partnered with Artah.  A brand to watch!  For anyone wanting to enhance their fertility, we have a special discount from Artah for their new product, Enhanced Fertility. As well as information on a workshop on Reigniting Passion & Purpose which is ponient for this time of year.  

Please remember to introduce us to your employer. We want to have a chat with your Head of HR or Diversity & Inclusion lead on how to retain female talent. 

Enhanced Fertility: Ludo x Artah 

Enhanced Fertility is a powerful daily complex designed to support every step of the fertility journey and beyond, created using the latest research in fertility science in a formulation you can trust, when it matters the most.

Both Artah and Ludo have a common goal – to support and empower individuals in their motherhood journeys as best we can. 

Workshop on Reigniting Passion & Purpose

As it's nearly September, a great time for reviewing where you are as we begin a new academic year we are showcasing our workshop on Reigniting Passion & Purpose.

This session will help you dig deep into your role, uncover where you want to grow in your career, and encourage active participation in your personal and career development moving forward.

Book here >>>

Questions to ask at an Interview, as the Candidate

As the candidate at an interview, asking thoughtful questions not only demonstrates your interest engagement but also allows you to gather important information about the company and the role.

This blog gives you 10 reasons to ask questions, along with lots of examples to help you. 

Read more here >>>

Self Development – Ethically

Recently a number of conversations have taken place that led us (at Ludo HQ) to write a blog on Self Development – Ethically.   

At Ludo we are in the business of enhancing workplace culture for people to thrive. 

We are in the business of self development not just for individuals but for teams.

Read the blog here >>>
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We Are Ludo
83 Dulcie Street
M1 2JQ
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Questions were asked. Sep. 20, 2024 the one where I explain condoms to my tween Rewatching 'Friends' With My 10-Year-Old Dau...