In honour of my thirty-first birthday today, I'm share thirty-one reflections I've come to appreciate over the last decade of my life:
♡ My body is changing as I get older - treat myself with grace.
♡ It's not too late to start the skin care routine.
♡ Proper diet, exercise, and water are necessities.
♡ Self-care isn't selfish.
♡ Home/life balance is crucial.
♡ I don't need to always be working towards something to feel or be fulfilled. I can find fulfillment in the present.
♡ Take the risk - either I learn or earn.
♡ Don't waste time thinking about what others will think or say. I am not living life to please people.
♡ I will never overcome grief; I've learned to cope with it.
♡ While every happy moment will be bittersweet, still celebrate the happiness.
♡ Life has more to offer: never settle for bare minimum.
♡ There are some things that I'll never be able to explain or understand. Maybe those are the things that are meant to be.
♡ Continued growth and personal development is a must.
♡ Know what is worth fighting for and what to walk away from.
♡ Evaluate my life but never in comparison to someone else's life.
♡ Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side and sometimes the grass is greener where you water it. Knowing the difference is key.
♡ Trust my intuition.
♡ Driving is a necessary evil. Don't let fear hold me back.
♡ Embrace getting older.
♡ My future self will be thankful for the sacrifices.
♡ Sometimes life holds greater things in store for me. Trust in the bigger picture.
♡ Some things happen at the right time, not a moment sooner and not a moment later.
♡ Enjoy the now; enjoy where I am at in life. I've worked hard to get here.
♡ Unclench my jaw, relax my shoulders, take a deep breathe.
♡ Take the lazy day and do nothing.
♡ Always ask for patience, guidance, wisdom, and foresight in everything I do.
♡ There's a cost, seen or hidden, to everything on this life. Count the cost carefully.
♡ I've overcome the adversities that I thought would break me. I am stronger than I think.
♡ Patience, guidance, wisdom, foresight - always ask for these things.
♡ Not all advice is good advice and someone else's experience will not always be your experience.
♡ Always follow your passion because that's where you'll find that sense of purpose.
The previous blog post is entitled "My Journey To Fertility: To Test Or Not To Test".
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