[New post] We Couldn’t Get to God, So God Came to Us
Writing & Photography by David K. Carpenter posted: " Christianity is the only world religion that doesn't subscribe to the belief that followers can achieve enlightenment or some other sort of oneness with God by behaving in just the right way. In fact, it's quite the opposite. It's the only belief system " Master's Canvas - Writing & Photography by David K. Carpenter
Christianity is the only world religion that doesn't subscribe to the belief that followers can achieve enlightenment or some other sort of oneness with God by behaving in just the right way. In fact, it's quite the opposite. It's the only belief system which recognizes that nobody can achieve the perfection required to enter God's presence.
Of course, God Himself knows this as well.
So, instead of sitting way up in heaven beating us all back like so many intruders storming the castle, God--in the form of Jesus--climbed down from His throne to be with us (as Matthew reminded us in the first chapter of his gospel: "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" (which means "God with us")--Matthew 1:23 (NIV)). This is why we celebrate Christmas, and this is what we remember in partuluar all throughout Advent (which starts today). God came to us to show us the way to heaven--to become the way to heaven. All He asks is that we follow Him. Not easy, but certainly very simple.
Which doesn't mean you have to behave a certain way or dress a certain way or look a certain way. Satan planted those lies into our culture because he wants to keep people from going to heaven. He wants a bigger headcount in hell. Yes, it's crowded, but he will always find a way to cram in one more just to make everyone more miserable.
I often wonder why so many people think they're smarter than God when in fact they're dumber than Satan. Why do they ignore the celery of God's Truth in favor of devouring the candy of Satan's lies?
In my morning devotional today, I came across this verse:
Even though Jesus is lamenting Jerusalem's (i.e., the Jewish leaders') rejection of Him, I think the sentiment applies equally well to individuals who haven't accepted the priceless gift of His grace. In particular, I can't even count the number of people I know who would benefit from what would bring them peace.
For example, there are two people who I love dearly, both of whom struggle mightily with anxiety specifically and mental health in general. I pray daily that they will return to the faith, not only because I'm concerned about their eternal destination, but also because I know that Jesus will help them find true peace. To be clear, I'm not suggesting that a relationship with Jesus is a magical overnight cure for mental health challenges, but I am saying that I believe Jesus will help them process their challenges in healthier ways than they are dealing with them now, which basically amounts to self-medicating.
But instead of accepting God's grace-filled invitation, one of these people hides behind intellectually lazy, half-baked theories he refers to as Christian agnosticism, while the other rejects the faith because she has been wounded by Christians behaving badly (which is, sadly, all too common, but which has nothing to do with Jesus Himself) and because she has bought into the lie that you have to behave a certain way to be a Christian.
My prayer for them this Advent, and for everyone else I know who thinks they're smarter than God, is that this time around, they'll ignore the lies and open their hearts and minds to the truth of who God is. I hope they will recognize that this baby at the center of Christmas is God coming for them, to help them and heal them. To save them by showing them the way to heaven. I pray they'll finally realize how much God loves them and that His grace is enough to cover over everything they have ever done wrong and ever will do wrong. That would be the best gift they could get for Christmas.
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