Friday, January 5, 2024

Starting a new year with intention

Hi read,

Happy 2024! I hope you had an amazing holiday season.

I spent my holiday fulfilling part of my intentions for this season of life: spending time outside skiing with friends. We were so lucky to meet up with friends from near and far on the beautiful Colorado slopes. Let's just ignore the fact that ski conditions aren't great right now and I fell on ice 5+ times. Shhh...

Skiing often and with friends was one of my goals for 2023. It brings me so much joy!

As I sat down to reflect on my goals for 2024, I realized that they don't look much different from the goals I wrote down in early and mid-2023. That's pretty awesome actually. I feel like I'm very consistent in my intentions. I added a few new things to make the list fresh. Below I share the categories I use for goal setting and a few examples. I hope they spark your own imagination!

  • Relationships: This category is all about building and maintaining strong relationships outside of my own family. A few goals in this category are:
    • Lunch with friends or acquaintances
    • Skiing with friends (kids' friends and my friends)
  • Self: These goals are all about me. They include:
    • Do a cool mountain bike event (thinking a 12 or 24 hour race with a friend)
    • Solo ski weekend
    • Not hate my clothes (I really need a post-COVID closet refresh)
  • Work: This category covers my professional goals. I just started a new job so I have big targets in this space going into 2024! I won't go into detail due to corporate confidentiality but this is a BIG focus for me in the new year.
  • Financial: I have some specific financial goals for this year as well as some longer term goals I'm working toward. This one is about habits and consistency.
  • Business: AKA this email you're reading. My big goal for this year is to help YOU make the most of your life. Whether that's through organization, identifying your "why", or just feeling less alone, I want to support you through all of life's challenges.
  • Family: This one is about my immediate family. Some goals I have this year are:
    • To be present for my kids by leaving my phone in the bedroom on evenings/weekends.
    • Take 1-2 trips with extended family to celebrate big birthday/anniversary milestones.

Hope this list inspires you! If you need help getting started on your 2024 goals, find a quiet hour of the day and sit down with a pen and paper. Your brain works best if you're physically writing. You can start by reflecting on the year gone by or brainstorming ideas for the next year. Even if you're not writing down actual goals, think about the feelings or intentions you have for yourself. I usually fill a couple of pages of paper before I start to hone in on my goals. Don't be afraid to think big!

In my next email, I'll talk about how I take big annual goals, break them down, and ensure I don't lose sight of them!

In the meantime, I would LOVE to hear from you. Do you set annual goals, or maybe just choose a word for the year? What are your big goals or intentions for 2024?

All the best,


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