6 Habits to Increase Productivity
Just get started:
We all have 24 hours in a day, whether you are a billionaire or a starter. The only way to make progress is to Start and to get stuff done. The action created action and inaction created more inaction. When you know you want to achieve something then just get going. No matter how small the action is. It always counts. Trust the process and be consistent with small steps. Always leaning forward (actions leading to progress)
Small and realistic tasks for each day:
Sometimes it might get difficult for us to dedicate a lot of time to one task. Break them into smaller units for each day. Having set 20 minutes for a task would make things easy. Like I did set a 30 minute to get this post done. Whatever works for you.
The Pomodoro Technique:
This works the best for me. it simply means have your to-do list set a timer for 25 minutes and work on it without distractions till the timer goes off. Once you have accomplished the task strike off of the list and enjoy the 5-minute break. Sounds simple right? This has come as a major win for me after being lazy/procrastinate for a while.
Plan out your energy:
We all have different energy levels. Some might feel very productive and energetic in the early hours or during the late hours of the day. Either way, choose a timeslot that would work for you and get you one task done, that would require your utmost focus. For me as a writer/blogger, it is always the mornings. From 4:30 am to 5:30 am, is typically my time where words do flow easily. Know yourself! Plan your energy.
Have a cut-off time:
Sometimes we do get overwhelmed by the amount of work we have and do for that particular day and tend to work more than usual. That would burn all our energy and make us not go back to the task the next day. Have a clear cut-off time! This will help you stay sane and you will try to complete your task within the time. Plan your day as such, try to work at your full capacity, and try not to get distracted by the text messages on Instagram.
Plan the night before:
I have been working on this for a week. I have read a lot about the benefits of this but never tried. But now a week later, I have become clearer about what I work on during my highly productive hours that is mornings. I usually come up with a topic to write on. Planning the night before would make it easier and you have your tasks laid out and planned all you have to do is get to it immediately. You would be prepared beforehand and you don't need to spend time planning for the day.
These are the few that have been working for me. Comment below in the comment section for other tips that worked for you for me and the readers.
These are the 6 Habits to Increase Productivity that worked for me. Comment below what works for you. Would love to know.
This blog post is part of the blog challenge 'Blogaberry Dazzle' hosted by Cindy D'Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Bohemian Bibliophile.
You can also read: 5 Best Ways to Stop Procrastination
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