Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The FREE activity that can save hours each week

Hi read,

If you're anything like me, you live a full life. My weekdays are planned from morning to night with work, kid activities, chores, and maybe a little fun.

It's important to me to crush it at work and stay really involved in my kids' lives. That means I have to ruthlessly save time in other areas. And for me, that is chores and errands and cooking. Don't get me wrong - these things have to get done. But they're not places where I'm adding my own little sparkle to my family's life.

This year I've done one thing that is totally free and has saved me HOURS of time each week: keep a list of errands.

I don't have trouble completing tasks that can be done on a computer, but those errands that have to be done in person are much harder for me. My town isn't big, but it's a 20 minute drive from my house to the other side of town. A bunch of 20 minute round trips can quickly add up.

Enter the errand list. I have a Trello board that has a column for errands. These are tasks that require a drive and must be completed in person. Here are a few examples:

  • Pick up prescription
  • Get passport photo
  • Drop bike off for repairs
  • Take boxes to recycling center

When I keep track of these ahead of time (this is key), I can take care of them strategically instead of making a special trip for each one. For example, the other day I had a doctor appointment near the bike shop and was able to drop the bike off before my appointment. I saved myself 40 minutes of drive time by planning ahead.

This weekend, I had my kid's passport photo taken while taking care of a return at Staples. Another 40 minutes saved!

This is super easy to do, totally free, and will literally save you hours of drive time.

I have a bunch of little hacks like this one because I really want to be intentional about how I use my time. I'll continue moving down the list and sharing my strategies.

In the meantime, where do you spend your time each week? What activities are the biggest time sucks in your life? I would love to know! Just hit "reply".


Beth @ Parent Lightly

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