The central government ignored the safety of the foods we are consuming, despite how the city governments had, complained, and that, is how we will die by way of slow poisoning, from the poisons we were forced to consume, under the DDP's, DICTATORSHIP! Here comes the government that totally, DISREGARDED the welfare of WE the people, or, maybe, we are, no longer the people, under the AUTHORITARIAN leadership of the DDP here??? Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…
The Taichung City Government, in order, to protect the people, to keep the foods safe, it'd started, sample-testing the pork, and found, that the bacon from Taiwanese Sugar Company had cimbuterol, and, posted the results to the public, mandated the manufacturer to improve, everything was done lawfully, to ensure the foods safety consumption of the people. The central government run by the DDP should, work with the local government's means, to conduct an even fuller scaled check, to trace to the origins of the cimbuterol, to swiftly resolve this matter of holes in the food safety, to evaluate the systems of checks, to trace to the origins, to quickly, remove these, unsafe meats for people's, consumptions; but instead, it'd done, the completely, opposite, started with the food safety department of the Executive, the Department of Welfare Sanitations, the Department of Agriculture, and other major agencies, hosing the press conferences, continually blamed the Taichung city government for finding the problems, and tried to sway the masses, hinted to the people, that in the testing of the chemicals, the Taichung City Government may have improperly operated, which caused the wrong results to show up.
the pork that's been tested to have cimbuterol in Taichung a short while from online, taken from a supermarket in the country!
What's more confusing is, that as the KMT, the party that now controlled the legislature, demanded that the Head of Executive branch report to the issues, the DDP legislators started a shouting match toward the mayor of Taichung, Lu to come to the legislature to the committees to ask her questions. Totally ignoring the Grand Justice's interpretation number 498, to have the local's self-government, within the realms of the constitution that the local government is allowed to independently decide, which waived the needs of the local government officials to report to the legislature.
This sort of a total disrespect for the divisions between the local government and central government in the constitution, showed how the party in power disregarded the issue of people's food safety, that the DDP only used the political manipulations, leading the winds, to distract the people from the issues of food safety, the party could totally disregard the division of power between the local and central government, and, infringed the rights of the Taichung city councilmembers. If the mayor of Taichung, Lu had personally gone to the legislature to complain and inquire about this matter, then, this would have been, the biggest JOKE of Taiwanese constitution in all of Taiwan's history.
The matter of food safety is what the consumers cared about the most, and, cimbuterol is much more toxic than ractopamine, and, it'd been tested positive in the pork, this had already, sent panic throughout the consumers, and the pig farmers already. The Department of Agriculture and Department of Welfare Sanitation should FACE the FACTS, stop evading responsibilities, to paint things over, and should start soon in working with the city government of Taichung, to find the source of cimbuterol that's not even supposed to be found in Taiwan, and that would be the right way of how the government of Lai deal with the problems of, food safety.
And so, we still have another case of, "I won't take responsibilities" I'm now in power, so whatever the @#$%(maxed out!) I say goes! If the DDP says, we need to, consume the pork with ractopamine, of cimbuterol, of the nuclear waste contaminated produces imported from Japan (and we the people didn't even get to VOTE on this!), then, we all need to, do as we'd been told, because, we're, all, good boys and girls, who won't, DEFY the authority of this, AUTHORITARIAN, DICATORSHIP government that's out to, get us (and no, this is still NOT me being, PARANOID!), because the foods been tested, and found to have these, carcinogens in them, and the government still, does nothing, keep painting it over, pretending like we're all all right!
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