Communication is, IMPOSSIBLE, between China and Taiwan, and now, we the people are, at risk, for war, and chances are, we're all going to, D-I-E, soon as those missiles, start flying over our, aerial, borders, not to mention how the battleships from China will, attack us by sea too! This is still due to the DDP's ideologies of "we're against China all the way!"…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…
The Chinese fishing boats crossed over the territorial boundaries in Kinmen, was chased by the coastguard, and the fishermen had fallen into the water, and, died. After the shouting match from China and Taiwan went back and forth, the China Coast Guard announced that it will, enforce the laws in the Taiwanese Strait, the fishers' union of Kinmen worried that they will be retaliated against, from before, it'd, told the fishers to not go out onto the straits to fish temporarily. The communication had been halted between Taiwan and China already, there's danger all around, especially, when both China and Taiwan are keen on enforcing its own, laws against each other, what if, neither side backs off, or worse, a misfire? The government of Tsai refused to communicate with China, and if the Lai government is exactly the same, then, the fishers, just like the travel agency employees, would have to, squat at their homes then?
During the Chinese New Year, the coastguard enforces the law, they'd worked hard at it, but, if the coastguards had erred, then, this should be investigated on by the justice department, and have the results of the investigations posted, soon as possible. The Chinese first stressed that the historical fact of how we should respect each other in the means of fishing, then, denied how we have the rights to set the restrictions of our marine territories, and this is China's, setting up that stepping stone of the country to enforce its government power in the Kinmen, Xiamen marine territories. The Chinese originally denied how we had our marine territories, but, just like that midline down the Taiwanese Strait, the Chinese government ships wouldn't normally breach. And now, the Chinese had, wiped away that invisible boundary, and denied the restrictions that we set, this will only cause more conflicts in enforcing the laws, and it'd also, compressed the means of defense of Kinmen and Mazu too. Especially, as the China Coast Guard started in confronting the Filipino battleships in South China Sea and Diaoyutai, is our coast guard and national security agency, ready for that?
changing the character standing on the keg to Lai, and, it would be, "perfect"! Political cartoon found online
In 1990, the Chinese fishers kept on breaching the marine territory to smuggle, to stow away, to fish, and there'd been conflicts with the fishers of Taiwan, the military, police nonstop. At the time, it was left to the military and police to crack down on this, and there'd been two incidents of "Mingping Fishing incidents", with the last time it'd happened, the fishers getting deported back, died from not having enough oxygen, the latter incident was when our fishing boats were deported, it'd hit the battleship that Taiwan sent out to escort it back and sank. To prevent similar tragedies like this, the two side sent out the Red Cross to negotiate, signing the "Kinmen Pact", to ensure the delivery of the persons from both back safe and unharmed. This was, the starting point of how we set up the communication means with China.
And now, Kinmen and Mazu had been, banned from Chinese entry, with the waterways restricted, because of the special conditions between China and Taiwan, there's no drawing of the naval boundaries in Kinmen, Mazu territory. For many years on end, China and Taiwan had, enforced their individual laws in this location, if the government can continue communications, to set up a working restrictive means, then, it would reduce the tragedies of lives getting lost, and reduce the chances of accidental confrontations.
The two sides must have the political means to agree, then, we will respect each other's laws. The MAC only stressed that the coast guard was acting by the law, but not mentioned how China and Taiwan had lost the foundations of cooperation, let alone, enforcing the laws together.
The White Houses Security Consultant, Sullivan at the end of January met the head of diplomatic relations of China, Wang, and they got in depth in discussing the matter of Taiwan, afterwards, Sullivan commented, that the discussion was paved with, landmines. From the Chinese halting of ECFA, the retaliations of the trade fortress, breaking diplomatic ties with Nauru, the M503 canceling its flight, along with the Tsai government's threatening the local groups, to go to China to exchange, canceling the tour groups to China, back and forth, there are, a ton of, buried, mines. Sullivan stated it bluntly, "the risks exist for real", comparing to the Kinmen ship turning over incident, it is, true, and it'd, made us worry about how we will, get along with China in the, future.
the coastguards, catching the Chinese from online
The Americans and Chinese are communicating on supporting and being against Taiwanese independence. And, should Lai not also, consider taking the reins on handling the problems of Taiwanese independence actively, to patch up the means of communication between China and Taiwan? The DDP government blamed the disconnection of communication to the 1992 agreement, actually, the problem is not in whether or not we accept this as a way, but on how the DDP defines the political relations between Taiwan and China. So long as we return back to what the constitution stated on the statures of Taiwan and China, then, Lai will, surpass Tsai, to reopen that discussion of the two sides. But unfortunately, he'd viewed the constitution of the Republic of China as a disaster, and is willing to put we the people in harm's way, put us right on the mark, to the path to, war.
Kinmen, Mazu all shared the issues of overlapping with China, if our fishers got warned by the coastguard of China, or that the fishing ships got enclosed by the Chinese ships, to the point of the coast guard from China and us being at a, standoff, would the Lai or the Tsai government have a way of, handling this? The ship's flipping is a warning sign, when the route of communication between China and Taiwan is barred, and the orders of things fall out, then, the matter of livelihood can, cause tensions in the, territories. Without the communication means, how can China and Taiwan be at peace with each other?
And so, this is still, how the DDP will, SCREW this country's entire population over, because we are STUCK, on an island, and now, we are becoming, more and more, isolated, as the DDP takes over control of the government for four MORE years, and, we'd lost our diplomatic ties to, almost, NONE now, and, because the DDP is too set on DEFYING China, that's why, we the people are destined to get, SCREWED, by the ideologies of this, AUTHORITARIAN, government that's going to, rule over all of us for another, four more, FUCKING (don't pardon me here!) years!
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