Under the REIGN of TERROR of the DDP Taliban, we the people, A-R-E, and, there's NO way out, because, we the people (who are all way too, FUCKING RETARDED!), still voted this, DICTATORSHIP party into office, and we the people, apparently had the three NANOSECOND attention span, as we'd, already, forgotten HOW it's due to the corrupt political party's lack of actions, that's caused the pandemic to get too out of hand too fast, like SHOVING those, ROUND PEGS in them, SQUARE HOLES by force, and they'd, finally, fitted, but, not perfectly, that's why, this country is, so FUCKED up, under the dictatorship regime of the DDP, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…
These past few days, it's, as if the book written by the Ching Dynasty author is coming on. In the legislature, the head of State Chen, in a shouting match with the legislators; at the country's gate, the incompetent Taoyuan Airport maintenance causing the flight jam at the gates; locally, it's the carcinogenic red dye, pulling the famed food company down; in Kinmen, the rounds of negotiations going bust between China and Taiwan; in the military, the truth of the special ops major, Hsieh, kissing a woman in a ponytail not his own wife, and the woman in the ponytail was, a high level captain of a battleship. "Unprofessional" isn't enough to describe the government of this, transition from the presidents, what we see, is the incompetent, the immoral, "bad people in office, corrupting the country's politics."
This elongated period of transition, may cause the government to grow even looser yet; but the sources of all these problems, planted down, long ago already. The mediocre government officials, due to the bad "taste" of how the government chooses its employees, all based off of personal ties to the officials. The incompetent officials, could care less about how the country is running, due to the government's bad leadership. The immoral officials, due to their connections to the higher up, got away with immoral behaviors, and they'd all become, bolder. These problems had long existed, because of the government of Tsai's "completely control", lacking the checks and balances; until this time, the new legislature started anew, in the parties out of power's going full force in exposing, finally, it all, showed.
take a pick out of this, "batch", of bobblehead leaders...that's how the Tsai government did it, and the Lai government is more than likely to follow its, predecessor, because it's all by the DDP here...photo from online
If Chen really had what it took, he could use the facts and the reasons to rebut the legislators, why would he need to get angry over the accusations, using a louder voice, to cover up for his own corrupt political party's incompetence? The head of Economics, Wang who was standing by, couldn't do a thing but watch. The distorted energy policies set by her went bust, she couldn't find words to defend it, how is she to help Chen out of the mess he is currently in? Same for the issues of food safety, Chen planned to scapegoat the issues of the ractopamine to the "contaminated food lab" in Taichung, but toward the Sudan red dye, it'd, shown how the border checks had, long lost, function, that the food check stations are set up, without their, functioning. From the handling of the vaccines, the quick scan kits, already proved that the head of F.D.A. Wu is, too incompetent, but she'd continued, sitting on her post; until now, the legislators from both KMT and DDP started going at her with guns a blazing, finding her unfitting for the position, but who was it, that's allowed her to sit at the top?
what the DDP's usage of the government officials are like, can't fit, and naturally, it's still, WE the people who ended up, DEAD, and there's nothing we the people can do about it...photo from online
It's not unfounded, stating how the higher up government officials of Tsai's government lacked the professionalism. The head of Economics, Wang works in the Department of Economics, but, her area of expertise is in the legal counsels of intellectual proprietorship rights, totally unrelated to the means of economics and industrial development; had it not been how her husband, Gu, the secretary of National Security being favored by Tsai, how, with Wang's background, can she, possible, handle the responsibilities of head of Department of Economics? Same for Kuan, the chair of O.A.C., her area of expertise had NOTHING to do with keeping the ocean barriers of Taiwan safe, she was hired to the post, because she'd, transitioned from supporting Hsieh to supporting Tsai. From her handling of the run-in on the seas in Kinmen, her inability to provide the coast guard's secret camera recordings came first, and after she'd misspoken time and time again, the lacking in professionalism, all, busted, out.
And, looking at the end-of-year repair of the Taoyuan International Airport, causing the airplane jams, the problem was of the same essence. Yang who is now the C.E.O. of Taoyuan Airport had been the assistant director of the Department of Economics, the C.E.O. of China Petro Company, the C.E.O. of Taipower Company, and yet, his areas of expertise is in civil engineering and water conservancy. This clearly showed, that the Tsai government see the areas of study as the "multipurpose" persons for hire, she'd not put the individuals of the specific expertise to their rightful places. This is the same as the assistant to department of Economics, Tseng's "moonlighting" as C.E.O. of Taipower Company, in their positions, to follow the orders handed down to them.
And, this just showed, how the government of Tsai, the members of the individual departments, don't have the expertise in the departments they are assigned to, they're all in their slots, because of how they kissed the head of government, Tsai, or the DDP's ASS, and, this had, ruin the country, just take a look, at how Chen, the former HEAD of Department of Health and Social Welfare, he had ZERO experiences in disease control, he's a DENTIST, and how the @#$%, can you expect a dentist, to make the policies that can help the people adapt in times of pandemic? Oh yeah, BRUSH your teeth thoroughly, rinse out your oral cavities, because those god damn MASKS, no longer can be effective in containing the spread of MERS-CoV here!
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