The ARMS' DEALERS of U.N., N.A.T.O. is (drum roll please!!!): the U.S.!!! while all of us, tiny little people in the countries where the wars are actually happening (or are going to happen) are the ones who are, affected, DIRECTLY by this shit! Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…
As the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict enters its third year, it's at a, standstill.
Ukraine called out: ammunition, weapons, we are in shortage, of, with European countries and the U.S., promising to supply, along with the economical assistance, and, not even half of what's promised to the country had been, delivered, yet, causing the war to lean toward the Russian side.
The retired army general, Harald Kujat, who was once the chair of N.A.T.O.'s military affairs, recently in a speech, stated, "the unsuccessful attempt of Ukrainian attacks caused the country to be at loss, they can no longer make the advances in the territorial progressions massively anymore…they're in need of money, ammunition, weapons, even more in need of soldiers to fight, the massive amounts of weapons and ammunitions can't replace that of the well-trained, ready-to-fight, warriors…the corruption in the country is, truly, getting, worse and worse…."
The observers noted, the weapons that the U.S. and Europe sent to Ukraine were sold off at high prices by the higher up of the government, and these higher up of the government had, pocketed, the cash. Both Ukraine and Russia refused to post the mortality rate of since the war began. Based off of BBC: by the end of November, 2023, total Russian armed services deaths rose up to over 38,200. The D.o.D. of Russia stated, to the end of last year, total Ukrainian armed forces are with over 383,200 fatalities. The military officials in Ukraine denied such claims in number, insisted that there'd only been over 30,000 who'd died in fighting, and there's no way of knowing the facts of the total numbers of army service personnel who'd died.
Watching the Ukrainian performers going to perform for the servicepersons on the frontlines, other than the camera capturing the act, turned the angle of the cameras to the members of the audience, most of whom were middle aged men, with straight faces, every last one. There were reports that told, that it's difficult for the Ukrainian government draft new soldiers, there'd been a lot of men in their fifties who'd enlisted themselves to ge3t trained to battle. Could it be, that the number of fighters in Ukraine who are younger, is now, limited in, numbers?
Russian had another order of getting more enlisted, with the new servicemen and women in the five-digits at a time, no signs of a ceasefire, Putin, the Russian president stated, "we're ready for another, ten years of war". And this "conflict" had already continued on for over two years, America had frozen, taken the assets of the Russian government and oligarchs' massive wealth already, and placed contrabands on Russian imports too, so how come, Putin is still, completely, confident, and planned to fight the war long-term?
The economic growth rate in Russia back in 2023 was 3.6-percent, greatly exceeded most of the developed countries in Europe; the growth rate in U.S. was 2.6-percent. The arbitrations that U.S. placed on Russia, did NOT impact the Russian economy one bit.
General Harald Kujat stated, "if Ukraine was able to gain enough of support from the west, it still can't beat Russia; and Russia doesn't have what it takes to completely take over Ukraine either…the end of war can only come through a negotiation of, terms. The almost ceasefire that occurred in Turkey from before, the U.S. who's leading the western world, was opposed to the ceasefires, thus, the peace talks, went, bust…if a nuclear war was to happen, then, this would be, a major disaster of the entire continent of, Europe.
The French President, Macron stated "the western countries had no understanding of the means of sending the troops to Ukraine to fight, but we're not ruling it out", the U.S., Germany, Poland, Czech, Spain, as well as the secretary of N.A.T.O., immediately objected to this.
watch this, if you wish to...

Based off of the intel from General Jarald Kujat, the U.S. already set up a long-term plan for war of the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict, with four stages: battling, rebuilding, recovery, reform; giving up and retrieving back the lost territories, with a ten-year deadline to complete all of this. In the future, it will be the U.S. supported and controlled Ukrainian government, fighting, negotiating with Russia that's now, taken over the eastern territories of Ukraine, dividing up the land, ruling, year after, year.
The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict had totally and completely obliterated Ukraine, and, reduced the economical capabilities of the countries of the European Union, and, the American industries earned their full shares, the continuations of war, fitted to the policies of "America first". The Big Daddy U.S., with a full wallet now, and all other countries bowed down to it, and, who is the real winner in this war?
The news media in America and Europe are now stating, "Taiwan will become the next Ukraine", we don't want this as our, futures. But, if our futures be told, who is, the biggest, beneficiary?
The head of state of U.S., Blinken said, "if you're not sitting on the table, then, you're, on the, menus", Mr. Kissinger stated, "it's quite dangerous to have U.S. as your, enemy, but, allying with us, that's even more, lethal".
Do NOT, forget the words of warnings from these two greats.
And yet, despite all the signs now, pointed toward, that the U.S. being, the biggest WINNER of the WARS of the WORLD, we're still, working AS, their, BITCH? Yeah, that's how god damn, FUCKING (don't pardon me!) these stupid little, popularly elected governments are, because we're all lured into the mirages of how oh, wow, our BIG DADDY will come and SAVE us all, when Uncle Sam only has ITS own, BIGGEST, BEST interests in mind, see how the U.S. government already, extracted a lot of the engineers from TMSC over, offered them a better deal of pay, for their families, so they won't need to worry, and can continue to, SLAVE themselves away for Uncle Sam, and, how about those, SHITTY weapons (the landmine planters, etc., etc., etc.) that they'd sold to us, and, you DO realize, that before the Commies actually land their feet onto the island, chances are, an innocent child who's, playing in the fields, or a farmer, that's, digging up some crop, will get, KA-BOOM, blown to pieces because, there's NO warning signs that has, "landmine up ahead" or "watch where you step", as of course we wouldn't want our enemies to know, where those, "weapons" of internal destructions are, planted, down, you do realize, that that would, give away "our location" to the enemies, right??? Yeah, uh-huh…
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