Standing United Against What Is Seen And What Is Unseen!
Hello again! I have to admit that this was a difficult article to write. However, we have to be able to understand our true enemies so that we can stand firm against them. As citizens, most of us are busy just trying to provide the "basics" each day for our loved ones. However, we are still the vulnerable pawns in a disinformation program by those who are seen and unfortunately, those who are unseen. Even so, there are ways to stand firm and united against both!
What Is Seen
According to Oxford Languages, the definition of disinformation is "false information, which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media."
According to a study that was done out of Oxford University, 88 governments around the world have sophisticated cyber programs designed to domestically mislead or suppress its citizenry. It can also include governments (democratic or authoritarian) or political parties that are using social media to manipulate the attitudes of their citizens. More often than not, it is done with the objective to deceive a group or an entire populace.
But out of this group, some are deliberately trying to manipulate the social media platforms in other countries. The top seven in this group include: China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Currently, China is using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to spread disinformation throughout the western democracies.
But what the study made perfectly clear is that misinformation campaigns are now the norm and are growing in number. You can read or download the entire study at this link:
There is an even darker side to this. Some believe that the recent covid pandemic, whether it started with a naturally produced virus or one that was modified and weaponized in a laboratory, was used to see if the world's populace in general could be manipulated. The point is that there are forces at work in our world that most of us would consider to be evil.
What Is Unseen
"Demons are real, and their power and hatred of man are deadly serious."
In 2023, according to the latest Gallup poll, only 74% of Americans said that they believed in God. This is an all-time low. The same article listed shared that 69% believed in angels, 67% believed in heaven, 58% believed in hell and 57% believed in the devil and in demons.
Some years ago, I had a dream where I either saw Satan or a demon. It was so horrific that I could only gaze upon the creature for a second and then I woke up. But I never forgot the experience. What was interesting about that experience is that I hadn't been watching or reading anything related to the supernatural. It fact, it was totally out of the blue – or, the red, more like it.
The Stay-At-Home programs during the pandemic sped up the process of watching church services on Sunday mornings from the comfort of our coffee tables or even from our beds. But in the process of this, it kept us from meeting with other parishioners in a congregation that worshiped and served God corporately. While church attendance was declining before the pandemic, it increased in speed during and afterwards. While a recent poll said that while 33% of Americans attended church once per month in 2019, that number fell to 30% by 2022. The interesting statistic was that 20% of Americans attend church in person less after the pandemic than they did before. (
There is not a doubt in my mind that this was one way that Satan and his minions used the pandemic to weaken Christianity from within. But there are so many other ways that the demonic is trying to diminish and even destroy Christians as well.
David Banet is Deliverance Minister At Kingdom of Christ. David Banet is Deliverance Minister At Kingdom of Christ. On Quora, his answer to how many demons he thought were active in our world today was this:
"I would be guessing its in the billions. Many people are oppressed, demonized or possessed by demons. When I have delivered demons from possessed people they always have more then one demon. So we have 8 billion people in the world. I am guessing at least 50 percent are being influenced by demons. I am estimating a very low percentage. I believe its higher but with just that, its over 4 billion."
As a result of demonic activity, there has been a rise in the number of exorcisms around the world, including in the United States. According to Adam Christian Blai, a consultant in religious demonology and exorcism:
"Historically there is a wave of intense exorcism activity as Christianity first enters a culture, for about fifty years, then it settles down. I think we are seeing an increase in our generation for the opposite reason: because people are leaving Christianity, and the demons have freer rein to play their cons on people now."
According to Blai, while Satan packages sin to tempt us, demons are much more aggressive and seek the utter destruction of an individual. However, it generally cannot do so without a person developing some kind of relationship with the evil spirit. Generally, this is done through trickery. In most U.S. cities, there can be from one to four exorcisms per week.
As previously mentioned, while demonic activity and exorcisms are on the rise around the world, one of the worst battlegrounds is in Mexico:
"To some it may seem extraordinary, but priests say the country is under attack by Satan, and that more exorcists are needed to fight him.
This attack, they say, is showing itself in the gruesome drug-related violence, including human sacrifice, that has engulfed the country since 2006.
According to the latest official figures available, at least 70,000 people have died in this period, including gunmen, members of the security forces, and many innocent civilians.
But, the priests say, it's not just the numbers. The savagery also stands out.
In recent years it has not been uncommon in many parts of Mexico for children to find dismembered bodies on the streets on their way to school. Or for commuters on busy roads to drive past bridges with severely tortured corpses hanging from them. Scenes from hell."
One of the severely tortured corpses was a friend of mine that never hurt anyone in any way. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time and it cost her, her life.
According to Father Francisco Bautista, an exorcist from Mexico City, two other problems in Mexico have been the rise of the cult of Santa Muerte or Saint Death as well as the increase in abortions are a preferred form of birth control.
Standing United Against What Is Seen And What Is Unseen
The first thing that we need to do is to acknowledge that these evil forces, whether generated by other humans or by the supernatural, exist in our world today. Then what we need to do is to dig deeper than our political differences and stand united through our devotion to these 11 shared truths:
1. Our love and devotion to a higher power.
2. Our love of self.
3. Our love of family.
4. Our love of friends.
5. Our love of community and the groups that we are a part of.
6. Our love of sense of accomplishment at work and in service to others.
7. Our love of city, state and country.
8. Our love of the freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of our U.S. Constitution.
9. Our love of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
10. Our thankfulness that we live in one of the greatest countries of all time.
11. Our love of peace.
These 11 truths can help to keep our citizenry united against all of our enemies, whether they are seen or unseen. There is strength in numbers. The more that we hang together, the better that we can encourage each other and stand together against anyone that wants to diminish or divide us.
Until next time!
Anthony Cota
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