This is, I suppose, one of the, WORST cases of, MEDICAL NEGLECT??? I mean, hello, hello, hello, the fixing the elderly needed is in his BRAIN, and yet, they CUT open his chest? That's, uh, how many INCHES or CENTIMETERS, away again??? That just showed, how UNPROFESSIONAL these, "professionals" can be, or maybe, they didn't, get enough, sleep last night, that's why they'd made this, "ERROR", and now, this entire hospital with the ENTIRE surgical staff, DESERVE to get, SUED! This is, OUTRAGEOUS! Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…
and here's the S.O.P. that the hospital should've followed, but didn't! From
The Elderly's Files Passed Through Five Sets of Hands, But the Identity of the Patient Was, Never, Confirmed, the Head Surgeon, to Cover Up, Forged the Medical Records, Got Fired from His Surgical Position, the Director of the Hospital, Ousted
The city-funded hospital in Kaohsiung, the Mingshen Hospital on the fourth had a severe medical negligence case of "operating the wrong person", they were supposed to do a surgical drain for a patient with the pustules in his thorax, but, accidentally, wheeled in the patient with the lowered blood pressure in for the surgery, and, in this time, the patient was passed through five different medical professionals, and none had, become, aware that they'd, taken the wrong individual into the O.R., it wasn't until the surgeon who cut open the patient's chest, did he find, nothing inside the patient's thorax, did the primary surgeon, Lu, realize, that this patient didn't have the conditions, that they'd, mistakenly, operated on the, man. The hospital and the local department of sanitations found out, afterwards, the surgeon, Lu had the patient signed a consent form for the surgery, to falsify the medical records, he was given two written reprimands, and, fired from his position as a surgeon, the case will be turned over to the Kaohsiung D.A.'s Office to prosecute. The mayor, Chen said this is a "low level mistake that should've never, happened".
here's the news of YouTube

Based off of understanding, that man in his seventies, Huang who'd been, mistakenly operated on, was a registered low-income, he'd had a stroke, and couldn't speak, and had been living in assisted living for a long time, only has a younger brother, but they couldn't find him, the hospital had hired a nurse's aide for him to look after him, currently, he's, recovering from the unnecessary operation.
And so, this, is, one more SCREW loose, in the, medical systems, I mean, you are told to check, at least, THREE times, that your patients' treatments are what they needed (or maybe I'm wrong???), and yet, this sort of an elementary level mistake had, happened, in a major hospital, and, there's the five standard-operating procedures of the surgery, along with the hospitals' negligence listed on the papers…does this make you feel safe, being in the hospitals of this country, where, medical care is, almost, nothing? Yeah, quality of care still goes up and down with the costs here!
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