The legislatures are still, johnny-come-lately, and an, AFFTERTHOUGHT, also, based off of HINDSIGHT here, and it's still, not solving anything here…off of the Newspapers, translated…
Changing the Name of the Seating from "Compassion" to "Priority Seats", for Those Who are in Need
There'd been the recent many disputes over the priority seats, the head of Department of Sanitation Health & Welfares, Chiu demanded that Social Family Division to amend the laws of "the protection of rights of the physically and psychologically handicapped" number 53, and forecasted to the public, that in a week, the name of the seats will be changed from "compassion seating" into "priority seating", and also, adjusted the target members of the society who are allowed to seat from "Elderly, handicapped, pregnant women, children" into "those who need".
The disputes had recurred over the priority seating, and under the pressures of the society, in just one week, the Department of Health and Social Welfares changed the rules, and used the single rule amendments and forecasted the change to the society. The draft of this new amendment stated, that due to the needs rising for those who needs to sit down, to show the importance of letting those who need to have the seats, taking from European countries of England, France, Japan, setting up the seats using the name of "priority seating".
due to the prevalance of disputes over this...image from online
The Department of Sanitation & Social Welfare stated, that to connect with the international world, and practically fill the needs of the seating's original belief of letting the seat to those who are in need, as a response to the dispute over the priority seats on the public transport of late, so the legislative is going to change the name of the seats to "priority seat", and expand from the targeted population of "elderly, handicapped, pregnant mothers, and children" to "those who have a need."
The assistant department head of Social Family department, Chang stated, that considering the disputes over the seating that's occurred frequently of late, the Department of Health & Social Welfare reduced the date of implementation to seven days from the originally proposed amendments of two months, hoping to settle the debates quickly. The executive department will now work to swiftly pass the amendment, but, the actual passing of the laws will have to go through the voting from the legislature in order to get implemented, and, after the implementation has begun, then, there would be a collaboration of the Department of Sanitation Welfare and the Department of Transportation, to discuss with the transportation department on how the labeling of the seating should be done.
This is all RED-TAPES, see how LONG it takes, for this proposal to come about, and it will, take even LONGER for it to finally get signed, passed the three readings (that is, how many rounds of votes needed, right???), then, the paperwork still needs to get pushed all the way, up the tables of those big dudes, stamped, sealed, and then, finally, DELIVERED, and then, IMPLEMENTED, posted on the public transportation means, and by then, yeah, how many MORE disputes will there be, yeah, I think too many to count, as the weather is getting more and more heated up, and we're all, getting PISSED off, because of the HEAT, and surely, there would be a HELL of a lot more cases of ASSAULT (b/c you dragged me out of my seat, which was labeled as PRIORITY seat, because I hurt my back on my way to work, and no, I do NOT have a SIGNED doctor's notice to SHOW you!!!), and there are bound to be more, BRAWLS on the PUBLIC transportation systems, see how LOW the society's MORALE is dropping to here???
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