Gov. Ron DeSantis again denied that he was thinking about running for President when asked on national television, saying his real focus was on reelection and "school board races."

"There's a lot of huge issues. It's way down the road. It's not anything that I'm planning for," DeSantis said during the second half hour of Hannity, where he was coaxed into discussing media questions about his presidential potential in yet another Fox News appearance.

This one seemed strategically timed. Another potential candidate, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, got a town hall on Tuesday night and another primetime hit Wednesday night on Newsmax.

"Yeah. I'm not considering anything beyond doing my job. We've got a lot of stuff going on in Florida. I'm going to be running for reelection next year," DeSantis said.

"We're also working on a lot of things in the state beyond the Governor's race. We've got school board races, Sean. I want to make sure people aren't supporting critical race theory. That parents have the ability to send their kids to school where they want to."

The Governor has vowed to get his "political apparatus" involved in school board races, a salient threat as mask wars continue on many fronts.

DeSantis has consistently denied an interest in running for President even as he has acted like a candidate. His political committee Friends of Ron DeSantis had a fundraising dinner in Buffalo Tuesday night, the latest in an ongoing series of trips for the man supporters call "America's Governor."

He said the idea was "nonsense" earlier this month.

"All the speculation about me is purely manufactured," DeSantis maintained.

Some evidence suggests that DeSantis may be cooling off with potential 2024 voters. Polling for most of the year has established DeSantis as the choice of a plurality of primary voters if Trump doesn't run, but one new poll shows former Vice President Mike Pence up 12 points over DeSantis in a national primary poll of a non-Trump field.