The cloud coverage has settled itself in for the long autumn stay here in the 𝑷̲̅𝒂̲̅𝒄̲̅𝒊̲̅𝒇̲̅𝒊̲̅𝒄̲̅ 𝑵̲̅𝒐̲̅𝒓̲̅𝒕̲̅𝒉̲̅𝒘̲̅𝒆̲̅𝒔̲̅𝒕̲̅. The rain is dousing the ground with some much-needed replenishment. We have been mirroring much of the California weather as of late.
I'm here in my sunroom, following behind my one-year-old, feeling cloudy, physically weak, and in pain as my anxiety starts to rise slowly. I can feel it simmering at the top of my spine. Have you felt that before? I can feel the metal in my neck stiffening (definitely in my head), and my heart begins to race. As a working mom, I cannot afford to get sick. But here I am… 
It has captured me, brutal, but also taunting, while it says "At least I'm not covid!" 

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