I really, DO, feel, sorry for, these, next generations of, students here, they got enough on their plates, and here, the government's, making it, even HARDER for them, like we the children don't have enough already???  But hey, it's still, the policies made by, the Department of Education here, a B-U-S-T, in the reforms of education here, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Next year, our first graduates of the newly implemented reforms of education is coming, for them, the learning process profiles, are, the biggies, but, the National Teachers' Guild's Home Chapter pointed out, that whether it be ordinary high schools, or technical high schools, the Department of Education mandated that the schools must upload the learning process profiles into the Central Database completely, causing the technical high school students to be tried by, preparing the profiles, and getting ready for the college entrance exams in May, which will make it harder for them to concentrate on their entrance exams, and, the act of having students upload their learning profiles is questioned as "focusing on the academics too much, and not on the skillsets enough".

the "checklist" of what the students need to upload to the database, from online


The Department of Education stated, that this is on the matters relating to the students' higher education rights, that it affects the works of the entry level executive paperwork along with the risks of enrollment of students, that they will come up with a more fitting plan to deal with this, with the national education unit, in considering the rights of all students, and the needs of the parents too.

There's a different system of gaining a higher education for the four-year university academic programs, and the two-year community college technical programs, the college entrances are administered in January of every year, while the general exams happen in May.  Based off of the Department of Education's plans, the high school students' exam results would be posted by end of March, and by April 26th, the learning process profiles should be uploaded into the systems, with the same dates for the technical high schools, causing the technical high school students faced with the generalized entrance exams in less than a week's time.

The leading member of the All General High School Program Education, Chang stated, that the technical high school students only had the generalized entrance exams of May, not like the regular high schools, with the subject exams, there's no need, for them to follow the track of the college entrance exams processions, the two should be apart; the C.E.O. of the All-Education Foundation, Hou also stated, that of the technical high school students, half of who used the skills program to continue into school, that the learning process profiles are a major thing for this group of students, that the timing for the academic, the skills exams being at the same time, it may, impact the rights to continue education for the students of the technical high school tracks.

The Changwha Business High School instructor, Wu told, that the new curriculum is student-centered, but, as the students are preparing for their exams, they don't have a clue what their interests are, making it hard for them to decide, based off of the current system, the students may be distracted to focus on preparing for their entrance exams.

And so, another FAIL is what this is, because this country is going "western", not realizing, that transitions like these need to come a step at a time, and, before thneed to come a step at a time, and, before things are set up completely, with all the resources, available and ready for the students to use, WHAM, the systems F-R-I-E-D, and, guess W-H-O will, suffer the most from this???  Oh yeah, future generations of teens, entering college!

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