This post is dedicated to all the virtual churchgoers like myself and those who are still unsure about whether it is best to worship virtually or physically in a church every Sunday. If this is the first time reading any of my blog posts and you want a straight answer, then please don't proceed because this post is meant to get you thinking to find the answer within yourself.

Prior to COVID, I wouldn't say I was a consistent church goer. If there was an attendance register, I am sure I would be called to ask why I get in late or why I have been absenting myself from church. COVID however resulted in a lot of churches going online because of physical safety restrictions so I guess I found it very convenient to wake up and have church right in the comfort of my living room.

Afterall, we learn from His Word that, "Where two or more people are gathered in my name, I am in their midst." Regardless of where you find yourself in my opinion, you can commune with Him and know He is present with you. The church should therefore be seen as the people who make it up and not just the physical structure we unfortunately place so much focus on.

Image credit: Quotemasters

It took less effort to switch on the TV and watch Pastor Otabil's "TV Church" every Sunday. Last Sunday (mid-August) however, he mentioned that "TV Church" was ending and we were back to the physical church. My first reaction was, "Oh no!" but on second thought I realised despite having a personal relationship with God it still required me stepping out periodically.

Image credit: Pinterest

On an individual level, it can be likened to having a friend you talk to on phone every day, whatsapp and chat on social media periodically but you know it makes your day much better when you hangout in person. Feeling nu y3 different!

A much better comparison would be your relationship with your parents. Your siblings would each have their unique way of relating to your parents. Some would visit every week, others will call everyday, whatsapp or video call. Despite how each child relates to their parents, meeting together as a family helps foster the bond and relationship. Drinking fanta alone is not the same as drinking fanta with khebab with the right squad! You should feel right and not forced to project a different image of who you actually are on condition that you are taking the right path.

Image credit: Quotemasters

In summary, I am not the judge of how you relate with God since its a personal relationship. I am not a member of this personal private relationship you have with the BIG man but my recommendation is to make time to meet with other members of the family of God and spend time in His presence (It should feel right with you! not a forced obligation). If you haven't found one yet, no rush! Continue to pray for discernment, study the Bible on your own and continue with your virtual church until you find the church that feels like home. That is were you would want to physically visit and feel at peace and more spiritually psyched with other members of the family of God.

Let me know what your thoughts in the comments section or email


The OMT brand focuses on inspiration, education, mental wellness, entrepreneurship, youth and women empowerment and changing the African narrative a blog post at a time.

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