I had a dream that I was very tired and stuck at the bottom of a mountain. It was a long ways to the summit and had to be climbed to get to the other side. My left hip was hurting really bad and I looked up and thought "I may not be able to do this". But I knew I had to try so I began to climb the hill step by step, foot by foot until I started to struggle. I looked to my left and a man was standing beside me and was smiling. I get this smiling man alot and he is one of my guardians and he was urging me to keep pushing and not give up.

I looked to my right and there stood another guardian, a female spirit that is ancient and she shows up when I am in need of motivation and inspiration. She looked at me and pointed to the top of the mountain which told me to push onward. My hip hurt so bad and I struggled up the hill, bit by bit stopping as needed until I made it to the top. I had a wonderful view that was only of God waiting for me. Everywhere I looked I saw beuatiful white light, wonderful white clouds and crystal blue skies.

Then I looked down the mountain trail was steep and thin but I knew I could do it. I began down the mountain and I fell and landed on a ledge overlooking a beautiful waterfall. I gathered myself, stood up and pushed down the mountain with my guardians in tow. We made it to the bottom and my hip, knee and back were hurting really bad so I laid down in a field of yellow, purple, red and green flowers to rest. I looked up and the sun went down behind the mountain and I fell asleep lying there.

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