Before I go any deeper let me explain to you what is a conjunction. A conjunction is when something connects with each other. In this case there are two planets, Uranus and Moon.

In this post we will be discussing the conjunction during a transit of planets through a certain sign. In vedic astrology Uranus would be passing through the zodiac sign of Aries for the next five years and in western astrology it would be in Taurus.

Nevertheless, let me explain to you what happens when Uranus passes by and says " Hallo!" to Moon. Uranus is everything innovative, it likes changes, technology, masses, it's erratic and brings unusual and unexpected situations into our lifes that at first will give us anxiety attacks but it's for our growth. Then Moon is a delicate planet. It represents women, mother, home, family roots and your mind. So think what happens when Uranus stays for a talk with the Moon. You will experience constant moodswings, changes at home, situations with women and mother that will be unexpected.

I myself am experiencing the effects of this conjunction since about two years. During this time I got divorced, my family relations changed, my mother decided to show signs of enmity not liking my choice of husband and basically there are many women involved in the life changes I make. I am always put through a roller coaster ride. There are always unexpected situations at home, especially because of my kids kindergarten. But after all Moon signifies nourishment as well and it aspects my 5th house which signifies children so there I'm not surprised.

My Moon is placed in the 9th house of my birth horoscope. Many of the changes I experienced are connected to the significance of 9th house which is long distance travel, religion, philosophy, higher learning, teachings of father. I made many unexpected trips since 2019 but I guess my trip to Pakistan this year and getting married in secret from my parents and exhusband has been the most "Uranus conjunct natal Moon" - style 😅. They took is so badly they've decided to make me into an irresponsible brat in front of all relatives and neighbours. My mother wishes to cut relations with me ( if we ever had any real mother 🙈).

My Uranus conjunct natal Moon influence will get weaker in the next six months. How strong the conjunction hits you depends on the degree of the conjunct planet and its sign and where the lordship of that sign is placed. Its like a puzzle, I know. The closer the to the moon, the stronger the conjunction and more mess in your life.

I'm even scared to think what will happen once Uranus changes signs to Taurus in vedic and Gemini in western astrology. Either my Venus or Mercury will rule my life after 2025 for seven years. That means younger siblings, spouse, communication and money will be the theme. I'm scared. Really scared. But I was it even before the current conjunction came to place. I am not so fond of "unexpected " situations 😂. But maybe it will be more pleasant than what I imagine at this moment so stay with me because I plan to keep writing until my last breath.

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