I love your aesthetic. I'm also a world traveler, and I've picked up many one-of-a-kind items. I've also inherited items from family members, which means I have too much stuff. How do you manage potential clutter/having too many things? How do you store items for rotating displays?


A: This is an ongoing struggle. I'm pretty ruthless about editing and keeping the "flow" of beautiful pieces coming in and going out of my home. I remind myself that passing items on to people I love brings me equal amounts of joy (and sometimes more joy) than keeping them for myself. I have a few items I plan to keep forever, but otherwise, I am always editing. I like to think of my home as ever-changing and evolving. Pieces come and go, and I enjoy them until someone else gets a chance to enjoy them. We have put in lots of built-in shelving for storage. We use wall space to create niches with added storage, and floating shelves can also be helpful. Where there's a wall, there's a way.