Growing up, you probably heard stuff like, "If you let a boy touch you, you'll get pregnant."

This instilled this dreadful fear of pregnancy in us from a very young age. Almost every girl has had a pregnancy scare. It's even crazier because you get pregnancy scares even when you haven't had sex.

As you can probably see from this weak ass intro, I am currently exhausted as I type this. I am currently picturing myself in The Maldives living the baby girl life that I deserve.

Regardless, you will definitely relate to and laugh at these hilarious pregnancy scares.

N.B. names have been changed to hide the identities of respondents.

1. Onome

The condom broke lmao, after plan b and a few days of nervousness, the test was negative. Phew 😅

2. Seye

For some reason, he doesn't like using condoms, plus his pullout game is very weak. I discovered I was late, but I got my period like 2 weeks later.

3. Aramide

I suffer from eating disorders. When I started to gain weight I thought I was pregnant. Luckily I wasn't, but when I put on weight especially in my stomach area I'm always afraid that I'm pregnant. Anxiety is a real bitch.

4. Obianuju

I've had loads of pregnancy scares. Which is hilarious because I've not been having any sex so.....those only last for a few seconds. Like.... "why am I so swollen?"... "am I pregnant?" "But I didn't sleep with anybody." Mary must have been so confused.

5. Latifah

This happened with my first boyfriend back in uni. I had always told him how my mum would kill me if I ever got pregnant before marriage. We were young and wild so we had plenty of fun regardless. One time just before a semester break we had messed around before travelling back to our different homes in Lagos. When I got back home, I noticed my period was late and the first thing my mind went to was that I was pregnant, so I called my boyfriend immediately. He managed to calm me down and reassured me that everything will be fine. To make matters worse, my mum started looking at me funny like she could tell I was pregnant or something. I was almost losing my mind, started googling all sorts of stuff and I started to see my body differently. My tummy now started looking unusually big and sometimes I'd find myself spitting just after brushing my teeth. When I couldn't take it anymore, my boyfriend took me to get a test done and it came out negative. After I had gotten my test result, I told myself never again, no more fornication, heaven is the goal, but alas body no be firewood.

6. Anita

There was this guy I was in love with for years and I lost my virginity to him. A week later we went to Cancun for our senior trip and he fucked my BFF. I got wasted at a party and in my drunken mind, I thought it was a great idea to tell him that I was pregnant as revenge. After I told him, he was freaking out and called me 30 times. I was so drunk someone's mom took me home and I started bonding with her about how the guy fucked my best friend, then the mom started crying and saying that her husband was fucking her friend too. We both sobbed. When I was sober the next day I told him it was a joke and he wanted to kill me.

7. Jadesola

Mine is just too funny because I've never had sex. All I ever do is just make out, but as a really paranoid person, I always end up thinking I'm pregnant. One time I was giving my boyfriend a hand job and he spilled on me, I ran to the bathroom panicking. I kept scrubbing my thighs because I didn't want the sperm to crawl up into my vagina. When I got home that day, I couldn't sleep. Small discomfort in my tummy and I already thought a baby was being formed inside of me. Even when I give my boyfriend a handjob and he spills on my hand, I avoid using that same hand to wash down there 😩

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