It's a yelp. And not a small one. A piercing, booming, where-is-this-coming-from-and-how-can-I-make-it-stop yelp.

Even worse. it's 5:00 am. My quiet, sanctuary time. I'm happy to see our oldest girl when she rolls down the stairs but when she breaks out into that bark it's a mad scramble to figure out how to make it stop.

It's a throwback to parenting a screeching toddler. Do they need a snack? A toy? The blue blanket? The red blanket? The swing? Music? A pacifier? A TV show? A diaper change? Long succession of whatever she might fancy. Anything to get the screech to stop.

Her bark is the same way.

Which means at 5:00 I'm scrambling to figure out what she is asking for. I go from serenity with my candle and reading to here, there, everywhere, filling the water and food bowls, taking walks, scratching her back, swaddling her in a blanket...anything to get the ruckus to stop. This never used to happen.

Life being lifey (including an unexpected new dog) and her old age makes her more likely to be all topsy turvy and persnickety. Old girl wants what she wants. Why can't pups use telepathy or just speak my language? Where's a crystal ball when you need one?

Sometimes I get it right, but sometimes I run out of choices and I haven't solved it. I just keep trying. A couple of times she just wanted her person to wake up. I can't help that. Sometimes she gives up on trying to make me understand. She must find me so frustrating.

Just another glimpse into the lives of the chicks and our pups.