Soon after starting his practice in in 2010, Mastin Kipp, creator of Functional Life Coaching, noticed a pattern of behavior in his clients. "they would set goals- try a meal plan, quit their job- but not follow through," he says. After years of asking why, I realized that everyone's been through something that have them "proof" that they shouldn't or couldn't move forward. "Turning to neuroscience, Kipp came up with a clear answer : "Not achieving goals wasn't just due to a self-limiting belief – it was due to trauma."

Kipps research pointed to the fact that trauma embeds itself in the body, affecting not only our emotions but also our brain's ability to function. "Heightened stress can cause the nervous system to go into fight or- flight response, "He says, "Which hijacks resources from the neural frontal lobe, where executive function skills like decision -making and memory love. Meaning that trauma isn't just a matter of clinging to bad experiences but being impaired by them- sometimes permanently. "This isn't solely about what happened to you," says Kipp.  "It's about what happened inside you because of what you've been through."

Building Emotional Resilience for More Effective Recovery. Dara Thailand.
Gentle Steps Foundation - Emotional Resilience