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Edge of Humanity Magazine eBook Series



'Men, Women, Marriage, Relationships, Friendship, Love & Sex' is volume II of the Peeling Off The Human Condition eBook series.

In the first volume of this series, The Hermit Poet explored our collective behavior as it relates to society. In this second volume, the focus is narrowed to male and female actions, as individuals and as participants on the many levels of togetherness that life offers.

The content is raw, direct, and sometimes comical. Human condition is in its most vivid form as men & women engage emotionally. Some moments are larger than we witness; carrying chapters of one's life.

Relationships commonly originate by our emotional need to connect to another human. Love & sex will strengthen and spice up the connection. The more strength and truth these bonds hold; the more work is needed to keep it alive. Looking for comparability, we find that we are naturally opposites as we endure and enjoy our lives together.

Foreword By
Carioca Da Gema



Table of Contents


1 | Cover page

2-13 | Featured Poems

14 | Credits

15-16 | Foreword

17-34 | WOMEN

35-55 | MEN

56- 61 | MARRIAGE



82-91  | LOVE

92-104  | SEX

105-118 | THE HERMIT POET (Poems & About)



Published by
Edge of Humanity Magazine
© 2019 Edge of Humanity LLC