Is self care just a beauty routine? Or it should go beyond that.

As a mom things can get really hectic especially the mornings can be a nightmare. I believe when things seem a bit chaotic from your life often its an easy communicator that you need to align certain things in your life that are out of balance.

Welcome to a day in my life, a mom blogger! I an supposed to have everything under control i always assume because I blog. This is a great way i put myself under unnecessary pressure.

I wake up and do my 20- 30 minute exercises which i have been cheating my time a lot because of they way i have been low on energy.

When i am done I'm supposed to read the word of God and meditate on it followed by my daily prayers but i have been rushing through life. I cancel this daily and consistently that means i am spiritually starved. Something i do to myself with no help from anyone.

I rush through to my daily posts on facebook where i advertise daily for our business and have mom daily updates on my mini blog on facebook and later daily posts on instagram and whatsapp.


Allthingsgodlypretty mommyblog

I hardly keep time when posting because i do not have any drafts but just trying to publish my daily posts of the things other moms can relate to from day to day. I can do this on a set time on weekends but my mind is normally cluttered and i feel too tired to schedule all posts.

In no time I'm rushing through my bath, my family's breakfast and getting to work on the dot. Tomorrow it is another cycle of this endless autopilot. This is not how i imagine living the best life one can live.

As parents our children are growing daily and it is good to just take a moment from time to time and not rush through anything and just take it all in and enjoy a good time! If it means not cooking that day and ordering in then so be it. Surely life cannot be so predictable all the time.

What i am trying to explain here is that we have been exposed to self care routines as moms but is it serving the purpose of our wellness as a whole?

It is serving a good purpose but mostly one can focus on outer appearance and neglect many parts of self care that nourish the body, silence the noise, cause one to live peacefully and be made a whole as a person.

How can we achieve total wellness that targets the following;

  • A well nourished body( nutritional and well rested)
  • A physically fit body
  • A mentally fit mind
  • Emotional health
  • Spiritual wellness & peace

A beautiful well toned body may not bring you peace unless you seek to balance your life as a whole and nourish it well.

A well nourished body

I speak from years of depriving myself of a balanced meal throughout my days. A hungry person will not have energy to do well and will most likely be a very angry person.

I grew up as a child with a big appetite and i would eat a lot and enjoy my food. After we had our third baby i put myself on a wellness health fitness journey and ignored overtime that it was supposed to be a healthy fitness lifestyle. I wanted the quick fix not knowing what i am doing to my body. I had a target of the size i wanted for myself to reach which is equivalent to before i ever had children.

It was not until i realised just how unhappy i was all the time, feeling very tired and angry. I recently realised that i am so tired and unhappy and i had to find where i was missing it. Besides not having my dream job i have so much to be grateful for. My family, the blog, family business and my side business should give me enough reason to jump off my bed every morning with excitement.

I watched a you tube video of a lady who had been in the fitness industry changed her life when she decided to eat but still remain active. I resisted this at the first sight of it but later as i pondered i gave it a try, i needed my body to heal and i am on the pursuit of happiness really.

Now i understand why people need dieticians to maintain their weight.

A physically fit body

I always had this idea in my mind that a physically fit body is only an athletic body. It is only physically fit if that body is well fed and does not go low on energy.

I realised lately that my body was failing me because i did not nourish it well. I ate too little portions and no balanced meals to bring my body to operate at its full capacity.

This works against you especially as a mom because you cannot give what you do not have. Yet you have beautiful children that look up to you to model life to them. We often as people say "fill your cup so you can fill other people's cup too from your overflow"

Do we know what this really means for us as parents? Daily we pour unto our children's lives whether we notice or not, whether we are aware of it or not and all these are shaping the way our children perceive and respond to life.

A mentally fit mind

This is for your brain to function well! Our mind /body function well when it is fed well.

Mental health is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community"


When you eat well, take care of your body as much as listening to your body when it needs food and the right content it needs it can also improve your concentration and attention span.

While an inadequate diet just leads you to fatigue, low memory and may lead to anxiety, stress and depression over time because the body is not functioning well.

This is important for a parent because it demands your presence.

Emotional health

A hungry person is an angry person and you subject every one close to you to the emotional roller coaster that comes with poor emotional health.

The body image is an issue we usually point from afar yet we may live with it daily and it messes up with our perspective on the subject matter.

This affects your mood more than you realise and our children pick these little behaviours that turn to habits when not addressed.

A mother's emotional health benefits the whole family because a mother is naturally a homemaker.

Spiritual life

Matthew 4:4
Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Our relationship with God is very important and it forms the base for every other relationship in our lives. For everything that we do not know the spirit of God knows and when we are intimate with Him you will know when you are out of balance in life.

Part of self care is feeding your inner man. What will you say to your children without clear direction from God?

Self care is taking care of yourself fully

Self care goes beyond our beauty routines and spa treatment.

When it is cold, keep your body warm.

When you are tired, give your body the rest it requires.

When you are hungry, feed your body well and be full.

When you feel the nudge to nourish and feed your spirit, listen. The body cannot function well without the spirit man.

When you learn to honour yourself you will learn to honour others.

Remember that if you feel the need to change your body, it is a good thing i am nit discouraging that. However monitor how your body feels and work with your body by nourishing it well and

May you be made whole today

With love,

Futhi Mkhwanazi

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