Hey, don't drag ME down with ya!  I just, climbed out, of that HOLE, not long ago, and yet, it's, your, turn…

When you get depressed, my skies, stays dark, with the shadows, and the thunder clouds, rolling in the distances, coming, near, near, and nearer, threatening that huge storm.

When you get depressed, get your self out, I don't CARE what you need to do, see that therapist, pop a ton of pills, eletroconvulsive therapy even, just, get it, F-I-X-E-D already!

like this...

photo from online

When you get depressed, it affects me too, because I'm, your wife (yeah, uh and you wish!!!), and, being, an emotionally-connected couple, we feel, EVERYTHING that one another's, going through (and I still wonder, WHY can't you go through MY labor pains for me here!!!).  When you get depressed, I knew better than to get in your way, I'd, ducked for cover, hide, underneath, anything I can find, and, keep my fingers crossed that it's (whatever I'm hiding under???) sturdy enough, that my protective covers, don't get, blown…………………

And yet, I still, get, H-I-T, by your thunder, lightning, and everything that, hurts!

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