The Batman - Budget of $100 - 185 million - 2 hours and 56 minutes

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It's Halloween.  And while most of Gotham celebrate candy and debauchery, Bruce Wayne uses his mask for vengeance against the city's underbelly.  Batman has looked over the citizens with Lieutenant Gordon and his signal for two years.  But Gordon's latest signal shines differently.  Someone killed mayor Don Mitchell, wrapped his head in tape, cut off his thumb, and wrote 'No More Lies' on him.  The killer, The Riddler, left a card for 'The Batman' with a cipher inside.  The Riddler vows to kill more people and unmask the corruption in Gotham.  Batman uncovers pictures of the mayor with a young woman, that is not his wife, coming out of the Iceberg Lounge.  Batman knows Penguin runs the lounge and goes to interrogate him. 

During questioning, a waitress walks into the room.  She freezes when she sees the photos.  The waitress scurries out of the room, but Batman takes notice and follows her.  The waitress goes to her apartment that she shares with the young woman, Annika, from the images.  Annika cries and points to the television.  The news is reporting her affair with the family-values mayor.  The waitress promises to help Annika getaway.  After changing clothes, the waitress gingerly leaves the apartment through a window.  She goes to the mayor's home, an active crime scene, finds a hidden safe and cracks it.  She pulls out Annika's stolen passport when Batman grabs her.  The waitress is Selina Kyle, Catwoman.  She retrieved it to help Annika get out of town.  Batman worries about the cat burglar and follows Selina back to her apartment.  But someone ransacked the place.  Annika and their phones are gone.  Selina tells Batman that she will find answers in the 44 Below Club.  It's a private club within the Iceberg Lounge where the crooked politicians and cops hang out.  Batman knows this will be a target-rich environment for the Riddler, so he devises a plan for him and Selina to work together.  In 7 days, Batman will learn that his mask can inspire hope, create resentment, and reveal dark aspirations.  And all roads lead to Arkham.

This film is one of the best Batman movies since The Dark Knight (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).  It provides action, mystery, a few jump-scares, and intensely emotional moments.  If you want to see the comical Riddler, this isn't the Batman for you.  This movie assumes you know Batman's backstory.  So it doesn't show the theater-mugger scene like all the other films.  And you don't see Batman's development.  The plot clearly states that Bruce has been Batman for two years.  While the story and acting were impressive, the running time made the movie drag.  Don't be surprised if you wonder 'is this the end' several times.  With most DC adaptations, the scenes are dark.  So, view it on the biggest and brightest screen possible.  There is a glimpse of movies and T.V. series yet to come, so keep your eyes and ears open.  The end credits will tempt you to stay, but there are zero spoilers, just some fun with

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

But when they see the light in the sky, it's not a call.  It's a warning - Batman

It's been two years, and I still don't know who you are - Gordon

I can take care of myself - Catwoman

I'm well aware - Alfred

A friend - The Riddler

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