From the C.E.O. of Tesla, Musk, on how China's plans to unify Taiwan will affect things, with only the benefits of the American companies in mind still! Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…
Musk, the C.E.O of Tesla was interviewed by CNBC on the sixteenth, stated, that everybody should pay attention to the tensions between U.S. and China. He said, China is planning to unify Taiwan, that the rest of the world should, take this, seriously.
After the stockholders' meeting of Tesla, in the interview, Musk talked of the tension between the U.S. and China, stated, that "we should all feel worried about this!"
When asked if China will take actions to control Taiwan, Musk stated "Unifying Taiwan is the official policies of China, there's no need to read more into that."
And when he was inquired if it would be bad for Tesla and other enterprises if China takes control of Taiwan, he'd told, "the economy of China is totally connected to the economies of the world, and now, it's cutting off its ties, that is, how serious this problem is. Comparing to Tesla, this is way worse for other businesses. What I mean is, for example, I don't know where you can get an iPhone!"
Last September, Apple had already moved the assembly line of iPhones to India, to reduce the reliance of being manufactured in China. Tesla is manufacturing its cars in China, but there are now the manufacturing plants set up in California, Texas, as well as, Germany now too.
Musk told, "we are facing some restrictions expanding in China, and so, we can only measure by which manufacturing plant makes the most number of cars, this is not a matter of supply and demand."
He'd admitted that Tesla is reliant on the chips manufactured by TMS, so is Apple.
As for whether or not it would be unavoidable, that China takes complete control over Taiwan in the futures, Musk believed, "it's their policies, there's no need to see if there are, alternative motives, I believe, we should all take their words, seriously."
The investors inquired Musk if he was thinking about stepping down as the C.E.O. of Tesla, Musk said he wasn't. From the shareholders' meetings of last August, the market value of Tesla had dropped almost fifty-percent. The interest rates are lower then, with the needs of the market, stronger.
And so, this is all a, business deal, what happens to this country, we are still being used as, a bargaining chip, and, what happens if China takes this country over? Musk, just like ALL of the American enterprises, are only concerned about this country because of the chip technologies that we had developed, nothing more.
And that is how, this country is a PAWN, of this world…
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