When in reality, this PERP, who wanted to cause widespread panic in the community, massive numbers of fatalities should've gotten DEATH, but because the local residents were only injured, and nobody D-I-E-D, that's why he only got life-in-prison, which reinforces the DDP's intentions of doing away with the death penalty in this "country"…off of the Newspapers, translated…
The man, Chiao last year at the temple celebrations, placed a bomb in the trash can in the temple's celebration route, and detonated by remote, causing twenty-nine to sustain injuries, during the Chiayi District Court trial, Chiao denied having set off the bomb, the Collectivist Court found him having searched how to make the explosive devices online, and confiscated the explosives in his possession, that he'd premeditated the bombing, yesterday, he was charged with illegal ownership of arms, explosive devices, given a life term, and mandated that he needed to pay the fines of $300,000N.T.s, and he will be stripped of government position for life.
The verdict pointed out that the forty-year-old Chiao used the iron containers at his home, filled them up with the explosive devices he'd made at home, and the steel balls and other items, manufactured into a remote detonating device, at around 9:40 in the evening on July 15th, he'd taken the explosives to the celebrations of the temple of the Golden Lion Deity, placed the explosives inside a trash can no more than four meters away from the main stage, then left to go to an alley thirty meters out, and detonated the bomb he made remotely.
There were the massive number of people watching the performances on stage, the loud explosion shocked many people there, and as the detonation happened, the broken shards of the stainless steel boxes flew all over the places, causing twenty-nine adults and children injured, and all were rushed to the E.R.
As Chiao was caught, he'd denied the allegations of setting off the bomb, but the Collectivist Courts believed, that he'd searched massively online on the bomb making methods, and the local and abroad cases of bombing, and based off of witnesses' testimonies, the evidence collected at the scene, the video surveillances, and other forensic evidence, and they were able to find the detailed records of bomb making notes at his rental home, the remote detonator, the other equipment used to make the bombs, and the dynamite equivalent to the explosive powers of ten grenades, that these are, solid evidence of his, crime.
The Collectivist Courts considered, that Chiao knew that the explosives will cause severe damages, he'd made the bombs illegally, and detonated them at crowded, populous locations, enough to cause widespread panic, with the power to cause severe damages, causing twenty-nine to get injured, and most of the seriously injured had to stay nights in the hospitals, to get the fragments taken out of their bodies by surgical means, that his behaviors fit the meditated killings not much different from the random massacres, he'd used cruel, and unconscientious means to kill, showed NO remorse, and that's why he was given life in prison, the case can still be appealed.
This killer who intended to cause insurmountable damages should've received the DEATH penalty, but the DDP is, ridding the country of the death penalty, so he can only get, life in prison, and, that's just how the DDP's reinforcing the no-death penalty worked, it will, cause more massive scale massacres, and murders, with the criminals who commit all these heinous crimes, running wild and free all over this island, because there's NO severe enough punishment, not that the death penalty is, off the tables!
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