I've never been good at expressing my feelings out loud. I'm better at expressing through the arts... be it song, words or art. I spent most days in October reminiscing the past.

I have been blessed to have had a good father. My earthly father was someone who doesn't cook but when my mother had to travel outstation, he was left to care for me. I was in my teens. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to try the soup he cooked. I don't think any of my sisters had that chance. He made sure that he had his will written and everything done properly so that when the time came, we would not encounter too much trouble.

His portrait on the wall is the first thing I see when I come downstairs. There's a place in my apartment where I can look across to see the distant sea where we scattered his ashes. It's comforting to know that my earthly father is with my Heavenly Father. But I still mourn and wonder how much longer I'll have to wait before I can see him again.

Tomorrow is exactly two years. Although the pain is more manageable now, it goes on. Because my love for him goes on.

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