I am in my early thirties raising my 22 year old stepdaughter, my 8 year old son and my daughters of 5 years and 3 years of age. Behind the scenes of my life is most definitely not instagram worthy. Even our family holidays are filled with so much preparing, adult daughter mood swings, tantrums from our younger children. Life is good huh!

Hahaha, yes it is good. We intentionally make it to be but let us remind you that life is not always glamorous but requires that you get your hands dirty at some point and choose  to be happy while at it.

That tells you the life of a mother is not close to glamorous as the images appear on our social media pages. To be honest some of us have to work harder to get really polished images by taking the best shot and editing.

Have you ever looked at your pictures and started thinking they are not instagram worthy?

I have several times! My days get really hectic regardless whether i am preparing for a family holiday or a simple day at the park.

I need to plan ahead and prepare for the day. As you prepare for the day, there are many detours too. You may be trying to prepare the picnic basket, you hear your toddler asking you to go wipe her in the toilet.

Why you need to be easier on yourself

It is not realistic

You may look so glamorous on your way to a date night with your spouse if you put in the effort but being instagram ready is not always possible. Your life is really big and instagram images is not how we always look in our homes so take it easy.

The children need you to pick them countless times throughout the day.

They need to be fed and that takes a lot of patience.

In the mornings, if you have not mastered what to prepare the night before they can really make you appear as a grumpy mommy yet it is the pressure that gets the worst out of you. See Survival tips for working moms and Stress free morning routines for mom's happier days

Children are so young and innocent! They want play, they mess the house as they play and the environment needs to be friendly for them to feel free, safe and loved.

They can easily tidy their toys when they are done see Household chores for your children and involving them

Our children's strawberry garden project

An image has behind the scenes events

Do not forget that images are created to look perfect which you can learn too if that is what you want. You consider your background, your lighting, your outfits, the image you want to project, angle and so much more.

An image does not display the loss of one shoe, how messy the bathroom is after the children brushed their teeth, they do not show me convincing my husband why he should wear a shirt for the photoshoot because the pictures will look good.

We often show highlights of our lives

In reality parenting is demanding and not fancy most days. Whether you work fulltime or you are a stay at home mom this is true both ways.

I will not show pictures of my toddler throwing a tantrum but i will show a pictures of her smiling and happy.

I think we fear judgement so much and it just heightens when you are a parent. We want people to see us as good parents and that we make good choices for our children.

Anxiety hikes

It really seemed the more i gave birth i thought i would have it all figured out but it is not the case. What is more challenging than giving birth is patenting. Parenting will really humble one. There is no arrival point but a journey of a lifetime.

When i get a call at work that one of my children is throwing up, i still do not handle it as well as much as i look on my confident looking pictures on instagram. I have graduated in being Dr. Mommy but when i get the news it gets my heart beating fast.

The perfect post partum body

This one had me worried so much than it should have. As a young lady before you have your first child, you love and enjoy a gorgeous body.

When i had my second baby ate so much that i gained so much weight in a short period of time. I developed stretch marks on my belly area and my thighs.

It took me a while to accept my body marks and now i call them my love marks. I still take care of my body but i do not feel bad about it, i love what i have.

Instagram images are the polished up model with no body marks but really they are there for most of us.

This does not imply that instagram is not important. We love it, it is where we create and do our best to achieve high quality content. It keeps us on our feet and creating better content.

Mommy time

To be quite honest mommy time will never happen until you make the time for yourself by creating free time deliberately. The tricky part here is to use time that will not make you feel guilty for being away especially if your children are younger.

If i did not maintain waking up 2chours earlier than everyone else i would literally kiss my blogging career goodbye.

Tired eyes

I have had more days being tired! Sometimes i would drag myself to work secretly wishing there was another alternative than working fulltime.

I guess that is why i love concealer ( make up) so much. It is a great hack for covering really puffy eyes.

Hey, it's okay!

Some days I'm doing the mommy life like its my profession and some days i just feel so exhausted i want a holiday. The pressure really gets to me sometimes but that is the mystery of patenting. You just keep going and always desire to be a better parent.

Parenting can be challenging but it is so beautiful and so rewarding.

It might be a good thing to learn to be content in the process you are in in life, love the process because you are becoming who you were created to be and purpose is born out of a certain struggle.

Struggling with comparing your life with instagram? Find the lesson and teach others too.

Always remember you are a wonderful mother chosen for this time and a little human adores you.

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