My husband took the baby today... We have literally had this day planned for two weeks now that I would just have the day off and my husband would take the baby away and go do some thing. We literally had to plan my break off two-three weeks in advance. But when both parents work full-time and one of the schedules is swingshift (so it changes consistently from nights to days and vice versa every 3-4 days) that is just life. I travel 1-2 weeks out of the month for work during the week. He is often on night shift on the weekends while I am off with the baby. My work is also on call 24-7 so I have answered a lot of phone calls apologizing to tenants for having a noisy baby on my lap during the weekends.

My husband has been asking me the last three or four days what I plan to do today. And I thought about it and thought about it and thought about it and couldn't decide what the heck I would want to do with one day off. He even tried saying let's do the beach. Let's go to the hunting lease for the cook out Let's... And I literally just didn't went to pack to do anything or be with anyone who might need me. 😅

So today when he went to leave with the baby he asked if I planned to do anything. And I said honestly I think I'm just going to chill. I got to thinking about it though. The break I needed/wanted honestly just a break from being needed. Just to have the space to exist and nothing more. As moms (and maybe dads) we are always needed. Even when we are off work with or without the kids. We are still paying bills, grocery shopping, organizing, cleaning, doing laundry, figuring out schedules, planning (oh so much planning) and looking at all the stuff needing to be done around us. Often putting our own personal needs last. (Everyday shower, does that exist as a parent? Does that ever come back? Asking for a friend. 😅)

Long post mainly to say it's okay to just want to exist. To exist in a space that you aren't needed every second. Give moms the break they need. It is mentally exhausting being needed 24/7 by everyone else. And yes, I know the time goes quick and I'm going to miss this feeling of being needed. And yes, I love my child with every part of my being and wouldn't change our decision to have her for anything. But it doesn't take away from it being 100% okay to step away from life every now and then. To take a breath....

What would you do on your break? A full day off? (What have you done in the past on any breaks you got?)

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