A year influenced by the Empress is a year filled with care and love either towards you or others. This is a year where you become motherly and it could happen that you either will get pregnant this year, give birth to a child or focus more on your children. You will be more sensitive to others needs which could also lead you to be more expressive. That could be in form of poetry, art or cooking.

The Empress is associated with zodiac sign Libra which could enhance your diplomatic skills as well. As Libra represents law and relationships you could fight for someone's rights and in that way become a protector of those in need. You could also feel love-sick and thus decide to pamper yourself by changing your style or getting a new haircut that you've been delaying so much. To be loved will be an important theme for the year too as I mention before thus you could even find yourself in a new romantic relationship.

Nevertheless of what you plan on doing during the year, you will be known as this compassionate and nurturing individual.

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