Thursday, October 27, 2022

Planning Deep Dive: Daily Routine

Hi read,

As I mentioned over the last few weeks, I've shaken up my planning routine a bit. Having a fresh routine can bring new perspective and energy, and fall is a great time to do that! I always get super busy going into the holidays, so it's important to get the planning situation on point before Thanksgiving.

Today I want to go through my daily routine. It's pretty short, actually. Most of the heavy lifting occurs in the weekly planning.

Each day, I do a few small items first thing in the morning:

1) Check my calendar again for issues, conflicts, or meetings that require preparation.

2) Pull the tasks I need to do that day from my weekly list to my daily to-do list in Trello.

3) Time block my day (sometimes). I don't time block every day. Many of my work days are so full of meetings that it's pointless to time block. I'll end up with little 15 or 30 minute chunks dispersed throughout the day. I don't bother time blocking those days. Instead, I just pull tasks from the to-do list when I have a few free minutes. When I do have large blocks of time available (30 min or more), I will time block to fit in larger pieces of work.

I move tasks off my list as I complete them. I like to keep a short daily list because I am easily overwhelmed with a long to do list.

That's it! It's pretty simple and easy to keep up with.

Would you like a Trello tutorial? If so, respond to this note with a quick "Yes!" and I will record something.

Until next time.

Beth @ Parent Lightly

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