"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD...." Psalm 127:3

Grand-son holding Pa-Pa's hand.

We have entered a new season of caring for our grandchildren while their parents work and attend post-secondary school. J'Pa's face lights up every time he is with a grandchild. He reverts back to his childhood as he builds and creates with the variety of blocks. If only I was that imaginative!

A big shout-out to the older generations: I know many grandparents assist with the responsibility of raising their grandchildren due to a variety of reasons. These grandparents need to be applauded for their efforts of caring for the younger generation. Every grandparent has something to offer whether it is reminiscing about history, giving wisdom of problem solving or blessing one with that needed hug of encouragement. **********

I ordered two car seats to keep in our vehicle. This makes it easier on everyone as the grandbabies go to their respective places. Before the grandbabies moved here, we prepared ourselves and the home by purchasing books and age-appropriate manipulatives/toys that will engage their growing minds. J'Pa and our younger two children had to try out each playful item to see how it worked. Oh my! It was inexpensive entertainment watching the three figure out the purpose of each object or reading with inflecting voices from the board or cloth books. Of course, the items received approval from all.

We have a set space in the sunroom with little odds and ends of thrifted toys, books, blocks, etc. A small patio table and stepping stools serve as Grand-son's work place for eating or building. Princess does not need much since she is only five months. We also have J'Pa's chairs from when he was little. These keepsakes were made from his grandfather.

Each grandchild has his or her own pack and play for naps. Furthermore, Grand-son has his own dinning room chair next to Pa-Pa. The booster seat allows him to join the family at the table and to swipe goodies from Pa-Pa's plate.

I get excited talking about the littles. They are precious and will not be with us for long due to their father's enlistment. I will miss them when it is time for them to move on to their next placement, but for now, this is the season to treasure precious memories with the littles.

May a child's smile or memory bring happiness to your day even for a short moment for they are not little for long. Jan

Matthew 19:14 ... Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." .